SPH Partnerships Around the World
Our faculty have developed strong relationships with communities, leaders, and organizations throughout the region and beyond. We are highlighting organizational partnerships and faculty who have in-depth knowledge of SPH to deepen the experience for our current students and support SPH’s academic areas of focus. Learn more about these partnerships using the map and list below.
Human Sciences Research Council
Community-based HIV testing, linkage to care, and ART.
Public Health - Seattle & King County
Understanding factors that influence patient enrollment, navigation, and tracking within the Breast, Cervical, and Colon Health Program (BCCHP)
Public Health - Seattle & King County
Understanding the role of community health workers (CHWs) during the COVID-19 pandemic
Washington State Department of Health (DOH)
External evaluation of the Breast, Cervical, and Colon Health Program (BCCHP)
Washington State Department of Health (DOH)
Community Health Workers for COVID Response and Resilient Communities
Washington State Department of Health (DOH)
National Initiative to Address COVID-19 Health Disparities Among Populations at High-Risk and Underserved, Including Racial and Ethnic Minority Populations and Rural Communities
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
CDC Board of Scientific Counselors review committee.
Public Health - Seattle & King County
SEAL Team applied epidemiology projects-various
Washington State Department of Health (DOH)
WA Notify Technical Assistance and Evaluation
Washington State Department of Health (DOH)
SEAL Team applied epidemiology projects-various
Washington State Department of Health (DOH)
Washington Food Safety Center of Excellence
Washington State Department of Health (DOH)
Data Modernization Initiative Data Science Training and Evaluation
Infectious Diseases Society of America
Developing Advocacy tools for public health
Public Health - Seattle & King County
Ongoing effort to have regional hospital agreement on masking and other strategies
Northwest Healthcare Response Network
Ongoing effort to have regional hospital agreement on masking and other strategies
Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute
NIH-funded study Moving to Health
Harborview Injury Prevention & Research Center
Support developing of AI tools for injury prevention messages whihc can be tailored for diverse communities
Washington Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics
Help develop AI capability for diverse communication on behavioral health
Obstetrical Care Outcomes Assessment Program
Evaluation of disparities in obstetric outcomes, process, and quality measures among racial and ethnic groups
Nyanza Reproductive Health Society
Trial of periodic presumptive treatment for STI versus doxyPEP among gay and bisexual men
mPACT - pilot a mHealth framework that uses a combination of group peer support and one-to-one communication with a healthcare provider specifically trained in youth HIV care
Kenyatta National Hospital
mPACT - pilot a mHealth framework that uses a combination of group peer support and one-to-one communication with a healthcare provider specifically trained in youth HIV care
Washington State Department of Health (DOH)
Eating competence (provider wellness) and child feeding in early childhood education
Washington State Department of Health (DOH)
Child Health Profile professional review team
Washington State Department of Health (DOH)
Collaboration on linkage of birth certifications and CHARS hospitalization records
Boston Scientific
Consulting for Close the Gap team, identifying health disparities in diseases
National Multiple Sclerosis Society
Consulting on MS prevention clinical trial infrastructure
Kenya Medical Research Institute
Clinical and implementation science research about HIV prevention, including novel products for pre-exposure prophylaxis.
Infectious Diseases Institute
Clinical and implementation science research about HIV prevention, including novel products for pre-exposure prophylaxis.
Wits Reproductive Health and HIV Institute
Clinical and implementation science research about HIV prevention, including novel products for pre-exposure prophylaxis, and interactions with reproductive health interventions.
Jhpiego Lesotho
Operational research to optimize HIV prevention delivery, including for pre-exposure prophylaxis.
DSHS has funded our WA Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Diagnostic & Prevention Network of clinics since 1995. The mission is prevention of FASD through screening, diagnosis, intervention, surveillance, training and research.
As co-chair of the WA FASD Interagency Work Group, submitted recommendations to the State legislature regarding FASD prevention efforts proposed inHouse Bill 2737
Polski Instytut FASD
Provided training for clinical interdisciplinary team to establish this FASD diagnostic clinics throughout Poland
NIAAA Consensus Task Force
Member of a 14-person international task force to reach consensus on a single FASD diagnostic system.
FASD Research Australia Kids' Research and Clinicface
Working with colleagues from Curtin University and University of Sydney and Perth Australia to develop a 3D facial measurement system that can perform as well as our 2D facial software.
Washington Research Foundation
Funded the creation of our FAS Facial Photographic Analysis Software used to diagnose the facial features of fetal alcohol syndrome based on research conducted by the FASDPN. The software has been distributed to over 1,500 clinicians in 29 countries
Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Division of Public Health
AK and WA established statewide FASD diagnostic clinics using the FASD 4-Digit Code for 20 and 30 years respectively
Created and distribute FASD diagnostic tools (Lip-Philtrum Guides, FASD 4-Digit Diagnostic Code, FAS Facial Photographic Analysis Software) to thousands of clinicians in over 35 countries since 2004
FASD prevention in WA State: Documented a significant decline in maternal drinking during pregnancy correlated with a significant decline in FAS births
Helped support passage of House Bill 1168 in 2023 to expand FASD diagnosis and intervention
Advocated for WA DDA acceptance of FASD for determination of eligibility
Established Tableau dashboards to provide Users with interactive access to our FASD database
Training over 1,800 clinicians from 40 countries on the use of our Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder 4-Digit Diagnostic Code
Conducted a 10-year FAS screening on children in Seattle foster care. Concluded 1/100 had FAS.
Helped write Senate Bill 5688 in 1997, resulting in RCW71.24.605 to establish statewide FASD diagnostic clinics.
Russian orphanages
Provided training for two Russian orphanages on how to screen/diagnose FASD
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
DART - to survey treatment outcomes in HIV-infected children, and to conduct an in-depth analysis of child and caregiver barriers and facilitators to better treatment outcomes.
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
MB Study - addresses the potential of antibodies and help define immune responses to protect infants against HIV
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
HIV Persistence - provide novel data on reservoir dynamics to inform intervention strategies for improved long-term management and reservoir control in HIV+ children
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
HOPE - leverage team experience to comprehensively understand burden, mechanism, and outcomes in HEU; engaging stakeholders to enhance HEU management programmatically based on findings
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
Mobile WACh X - RCT comparing 1-way SMS vs 2-way SMS vs control to improve virologic suppression in HIV-infected peripartum women
Kenyatta National Hospital
AGYW - PrEP in Pregnancy suite of studies to evaluate PrEP adherence in adolescent girls and young women; programmatically evaluate PrEP implementation in MCH and FP clinics
Kenyatta National Hospital
ATTACh - evaluate rates and co-factors of effective transition in HIV treatment programs in Kenya and to adapt, implement, and evaluate an Adolescent Transition Package (ATP)
Kenyatta National Hospital
PrEPARE - seeks to identify ways to improve efficiency of PrEP integration within MCH clinics
Public Health - Seattle & King County
Coordinate updates to a HIV stigma reduction curriculum adapted for three African immigrant communities in King County, WA
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
COVID-19 in Pregnancy - surveillance study of SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence among pregnant women in WA State
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
Therapeutic use of HPV L1 Vaccine in Anogenital Neoplasia: VIVA Trial
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
Colaboraci?n Evita: Cervical Cancer Prevention Partnership Center
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
CCSG Pilot: Landscape of Telehealth in Washington State
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
Washington State COVID-19 and Cancer Research Data Repository
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
Geospatial Analysis of HPV Vaccination in Washington
Washington State Department of Health (DOH)
Geospatial Analysis of HPV Vaccination in Washington
Instituto Dermatologico y Cirugia de Piel Dr. Huberto Bogaert Diaz (IDCP)
Colaboracion Evita: Cervical Cancer Prevention Partnership Center
Evandro Chagas National Institute of Infectious at Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (INI/FIOCRUZ)
Colaboracion Evita: Cervical Cancer Prevention Partnership Center
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
MyGeniUS - M. genitalium surveillance in seven US sexual health clinics
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Participation in expert consultation to update the STD Treatment Guidelines
Public Health - Seattle & King County
Surveillance of M. genitalium infection and antibiotic resistance
Public Health - Seattle & King County
Epidemiologic analyses of sexual health clinic data
Kenya Medical Research Institute
Determinants of Successful ART Outcomes in Children and Adolescents in Kenya (DART)
Kenya Medical Research Institute
Impact of ART Adherence and Early Infant HIV Diagnosis on Option B+ Effectiveness in Kenya
Kenya Medical Research Institute
Effects of Human Milk Oligosaccharides and Gut Microbiome on Growth and Morbidity in HIV-Exposed Uninfected Infants
Kenya Medical Research Institute
Building the Evidence Base for Appropriate Care of the Sick, Undernourished Child in Limited Resource Settings (CHAIN)
Kenya Medical Research Institute
Building the evidence base for appropriate care of the sick, undernourished child in limited resource settings (CHAIN Network); Role of Breast Milk Composition (BMC) in Recovery from Infant Illness and Malnutrition: a sub-study of CHAIN?
Kenya Medical Research Institute
Azithromycin to prevent post-discharge mortality and morbidity in Kenyan children
Kenya Medical Research Institute
Lactoferrin and lysozyme to promote nutritional, clinical, and enteric recovery: A factorial placebo-controlled randomized trial among children with diarrhea and malnutrition -- Enterics for Global Health
Kenya Medical Research Institute
Developing low-cost universal malnutrition screening for low income countries (Mama Aweza Trial)
Kenya Medical Research Institute
Developing a Two-way SMS Platform to Prevent and Treat Wasting Among HIV-infected and HIV-exposed Uninfected Children
Kenya Medical Research Institute
Enterics for Global Health (EFGH) Part B - Surveillance
Kenyatta National Hospital
Drug, microbiome, and immune determinants of birth and neurodevelopmental outcomes in children with exposure to HIV infection
Kenyatta National Hospital
HEU outcomes: population-evaluation and screening strategies (HOPE)
Ministry of Health, Kenya
Determinants of Successful ART Outcomes in Children and Adolescents in Kenya (DART)
Ministry of Health, Kenya
Impact of ART Adherence and Early Infant HIV Diagnosis on Option B+ Effectiveness in Kenya
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - Kenya
Determinants of Successful ART Outcomes in Children and Adolescents in Kenya (DART)
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - Kenya
Impact of ART Adherence and Early Infant HIV Diagnosis on Option B+ Effectiveness in Kenya
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
Invasive placenta as a marker of cancer susceptibility in women and their offspring
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
Pregnancy factors in relation to breast cancer in parous women
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
Long term effects of cancer/cancer treatment on childhood cancer survivorship.
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
Disparities in childhood cancer survival by race/ethnicity.
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
Disparities in adherence to cancer survivorship guidelines in relation to measures of SES and social support.
Harborview Injury Prevention & Research Center
INSIGHT Mentor for summer program with undergraduate and graduate students
Kenya Medical Research Institute
Pharmacology of TDF-FTC Pre-exposure Prophylaxis in African Cisgender women: The Women TDF-FTC Benchmark Study
Kenya Medical Research Institute
Pharmacology of TAF-FTC Pre-exposure Prophylaxis in African Cisgender women: The Women TAF-FTC Benchmark Study
Kenya Medical Research Institute
An implementation project to improve the efficiency of PrEP delivery in public health HIV care clinics in Kenya: The Efficiency Project
Kenya Medical Research Institute
A pilot implementation project of partner HIV self-testing to catalyze PrEP delivery for HIV serodiscordant couples: The Partner HIV Self-Testing (PHIVST) Study
Kenyatta National Hospital
PrEParing family planning clinics to streamline integration of HIV prevention services for young women in Kenya: The Family Planning plus HIV prevention (FP-Plus) Project
Infectious Diseases Institute
Impact of Concurrent Initiation of DMPA Contraception and Tenofovir PrEP on Bone Loss in Young Women: The Kampala Women's Bone Study
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
EFGH - inform the design of Shigella vaccine efficacy trials in children living in LMICs
Kenya Medical Research Institute
Toto Bora - RCT evaluating whether a 5-day course of azithromycin administered at hospital discharge reduces post-discharge mortality and morbidity among children 1-59 months old
Kenya Medical Research Institute
LactoLyze - A factorial, double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized trial to determine the efficacy and mechanisms of lactoferrin and lysozyme supplementation in minimizing the incidence of diarrhea and promoting nutritional recovery
Kenya Medical Research Institute
EFGH - inform the design of Shigella vaccine efficacy trials in children living in LMICs
Kenya Medical Research Institute
AZM Enterics - Utilizing samples from the AZM trial, will elucidate mechanisms of post-discharge morbidity, mortality, and growth faltering AND determine mechanisms of azithromycin's effect
EFGH - inform the design of Shigella vaccine efficacy trials in children living in LMICs
KEMRI-Wellcome Trust
AZM Enterics - Utilizing samples from the AZM trial, will elucidate mechanisms of post-discharge morbidity, mortality, and growth faltering AND determine mechanisms of azithromycin's effect
KEMRI-Wellcome Trust
LactoLyze - A factorial, double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized trial to determine the efficacy and mechanisms of lactoferrin and lysozyme supplementation in minimizing the incidence of diarrhea and promoting nutritional recovery
MRC Unit The Gambia
EFGH - inform the design of Shigella vaccine efficacy trials in children living in LMICs
Malawi-Liverpool-Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Programme
EFGH - inform the design of Shigella vaccine efficacy trials in children living in LMICs
EFGH - inform the design of Shigella vaccine efficacy trials in children living in LMICs
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
Translational research project in colorectal cancer health disparities
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
Risk prediction of colorectal cancer using genetic and environmental risk factors
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
- an investigation of the tumor associated microbiome in colorectal cancer within an existing Seattle-based cohort
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
- a consortium-based analysis of T cell response in colorectal cancer, and its associations with tumor characteristics, epidemiologic factors, and survival
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
- a multi-ethnic, multi-site study into the tumor-associated microbiome and its role in colorectal cancer disparities
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
Colon Cancer Family Registry - an international consortium examining genetic and lifestyle factors associated with colorectal cancer
SR3 - SeaLife Response, Rehabilitation, and Research
Sea mammal rehabilitation and research
Washington State Department of Agriculture
Assist with data integration of animal and human disease surveillance
Washington State Department of Health (DOH)
Liaison to state newborn screening lab for cystic fibrosis newborn screening
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
Cancer Surveillance System (CSS): This is a population-based cancer registry that permits researchers and public health professionals to understand cancer incidence and survival in our region.
Family AIDS Care and Education Services (FACES)
Designing a combination intervention strategy to improve pediatric viral suppression in Kenya
Christian Health Association of Kenya
DART - to survey treatment outcomes in HIV-infected children, and to conduct an in-depth analysis of child and caregiver barriers and facilitators to better treatment outcomes.
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
Linda Kizazi/Virome - characterize determinations of mother-to-child virome transmission and how it affects infant health
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
PUSH-CMV - Determine the impact of CMV viremia on mortality and duration of hospital stay, response to ART initiation, and immune activation and inflammation
United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
The Medicines, Technologies, and Pharmaceutical Services (MTaPS) Program
National Academy of Medicine
1. Member, Committee to Review Relevant Literature Regarding Adverse Events Associated with Vaccines
Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovation (CEPI)
Safety Platform for Emergency Vaccines (SPEAC)
Management Sciences for Health
The Medicines, Technologies, and Pharmaceutical Services (MTaPS) Program
Amsterdam University Medical Center
CHAIN-MITS - understanding cause of death of children who died while enrolled in CHAIN; qualitative research to understand cultural acceptance of minimally invasive tissue sampling (MITS) in Malawi
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
DeWorm3 - series of cluster trials to develop and test strategies to interrupt parasitic worms on a large scale
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
CHAIN Network - multi-site cohort study to identify clinical, social and behavioral characteristics of children under 2 at risk of death during and after hospitalization (6 months follow up)
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
CHAIN COVID - surveilling cases of SARS-CoV-2 in LMICs from CHAIN Network sites
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
CHAIN-MITS - understanding cause of death of children who died while enrolled in CHAIN; qualitative research to understand cultural acceptance of minimally invasive tissue sampling (MITS) in Malawi
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation research support from the Strategic Analysis, Research & Training Center
Kenya Medical Research Institute
Toto Bora - RCT evaluating whether a 5-day course of azithromycin administered at hospital discharge reduces post-discharge mortality and morbidity among children 1-59 months old
Blantyre Institute for Community Outreach
DeWorm3 - series of cluster trials to develop and test strategies to interrupt parasitic worms on a large scale
Centre de Lutte Intégrée contre le Paludisme
DeWorm3 - series of cluster trials to develop and test strategies to interrupt parasitic worms on a large scale
CHAIN Network - multi-site cohort study to identify clinical, social and behavioral characteristics of children under 2 at risk of death during and after hospitalization (6 months follow up)
Imperial College London
DeWorm3 - series of cluster trials to develop and test strategies to interrupt parasitic worms on a large scale
Christian Medical College, Vellore
DeWorm3 - series of cluster trials to develop and test strategies to interrupt parasitic worms on a large scale
Institut de Recherche Clinique du Bénin
DeWorm3 - series of cluster trials to develop and test strategies to interrupt parasitic worms on a large scale
DeWorm3 - series of cluster trials to develop and test strategies to interrupt parasitic worms on a large scale
International Livestock Research Institute
SEEMS-Nutrition - initiative to improve and standardize information on costs and benefits of scaling up multisectoral food systems strategies
The Hospital for Sick Children
CHAIN Network - multi-site cohort study to identify clinical, social and behavioral characteristics of children under 2 at risk of death during and after hospitalization (6 months follow up)
DeWorm3 - series of cluster trials to develop and test strategies to interrupt parasitic worms on a large scale
Smith College
DeWorm3 - series of cluster trials to develop and test strategies to interrupt parasitic worms on a large scale
Institut de Recherche pour le Développement
DeWorm3 - series of cluster trials to develop and test strategies to interrupt parasitic worms on a large scale
Institut de Salut Global Barcelona
CHAIN-MITS - understanding cause of death of children who died while enrolled in CHAIN; qualitative research to understand cultural acceptance of minimally invasive tissue sampling (MITS) in Malawi
KEMRI-Wellcome Trust
CHAIN Network - multi-site cohort study to identify clinical, social and behavioral characteristics of children under 2 at risk of death during and after hospitalization (6 months follow up)
Washington Research Foundation
Washington Research Foundation Program Evaluation with the Strategic Analysis, Research & Training Center
Boston Scientific
Boston Scientific Close the Gap research support from the Strategic Analysis, Research & Training Center
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Epidemiology and Laboratory Capacity for Infectious Diseases (ELC) Cooperative Agreement: Project V: Surveillance for Anal Human Papillomavirus among Men
Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute
Self-Testing Options in the Era of Primary HPV Screening for Cervical Cancer: the STEP Trial (NCI-funded R01 clinical trial)
Public Health - Seattle & King County
Epidemiology and Laboratory Capacity for Infectious Diseases (ELC) Cooperative Agreement: Project V: Surveillance for Anal Human Papillomavirus among Men
Washington State Department of Health (DOH)
Epidemiology and Laboratory Capacity for Infectious Diseases (ELC) Cooperative Agreement: Project V: Surveillance for Anal Human Papillomavirus among Men
Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Research
Self-Testing Options in the Era of Primary HPV Screening for Cervical Cancer: the STEP Trial (NCI-funded R01 clinical trial)
M Health Fairview Clinic - Smiley's
Reducing cervical cancer screening disparities in Somali immigrant women through a primary care based HPV self-sampling intervention (NCI-funded R01)
People's Center Clinics and Services
Reducing cervical cancer screening disparities in Somali immigrant women through a primary care based HPV self-sampling intervention (NCI-funded R01)
Community-University Health Care Center
Reducing cervical cancer screening disparities in Somali immigrant women through a primary care based HPV self-sampling intervention (NCI-funded R01)
Washington Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics
No active projects with organization
Kaiser Permanente Northern California Division of Research
No active projects with organization
KEMRI Center for Respiratory Diseases Research (CRDR)
No active projects with organization
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
No active projects with organization
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
No active projects with organization
Research Triangle Institute (RTI) International
No active projects with organization
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
No active projects with organization
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
No active projects with organization
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
No active projects with organization
Institut de Recherche en Santé de Surveillance Epidemiologique et de Formation
No active projects with organization
National Institute for Occupational Safety & Health (NIOSH)
No active projects with organization
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)
No active projects with organization
California's Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development
No active projects with organization
National Institutes of Health (Instituto Nacional de Saude) in Mozambique
No active projects with organization
Duwamish River Cleanup Coalition/Technical Advisory Group (DRCC/TAG)
Action towards health equity and improved air quality in the Duwamish Valley: A multilevel asthma intervention
Just Health Action
Action towards health equity and improved air quality in the Duwamish Valley: A multilevel asthma intervention
Public Health - Seattle & King County
Ongoing relationship with the PHSKC HIV/STD program to conduct program evaluations using sexual health clinic data and contribute to ongoing surveillance reports
Centro San Vicente
UW performs data management, data QA/QC, and evaluation Centro San Vicente's PrEP program
Mississippi State Department of Health
UW works with MSDH to develop their annual HIV surveillance report. We also serve as a consultant on their outbreak and response committee
Cathy J Berry and Associates
Co-develop clinical PrEP protocol and conduct mixed-methods evaluation of PrEP implementation
National Institute on Aging
Using Veteran Health Administration electronic health records to improve phenotyping of Alzheimer's disease and related disorders in older Veterans
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
Dementia with Lewy Body Consortium aims to collect biofluids and clinical assessments on persons with Lewy body dementia across the United States
Comité de Saœde para Moçambique
Empowering Women, Adolescent, and Youth with a Multilevel Mental Health Initiative in Mozambique (EMPOWER-MH)
Comité de Saœde para Moçambique
Safety Planning and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Adolescent Suicide Prevention in Mozambique: A Hybrid Effectiveness/Implementation Cluster Randomized Trial
Ministry of Health, Mozambique
Empowering Women, Adolescent, and Youth with a Multilevel Mental Health Initiative in Mozambique (EMPOWER-MH)
Ministry of Health, Mozambique
Safety Planning and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Adolescent Suicide Prevention in Mozambique: A Hybrid Effectiveness/Implementation Cluster Randomized Trial
Kaiser Permanente Southern California
NIH-funded study of short and long-term consequences of wildfires for Alzheimer's disease and related dementias
Sutter Health
Policy evaluation of SB27, which required a vet prescription to provide antibiotics to livestock, on risk of human antimicrobial-resistant UTI
Public Health - Seattle & King County
Seattle Children's Hospital
Practicum and fieldwork placements (for Nutrition student only)
Washington State Department of Health (DOH)
Practicum and fieldwork placements (for Nutrition student only)
Childhood Obesity Prevention Coalition
Practicum and fieldwork placements (for Nutrition student only)
Country Doctor Community Health Centers
Practicum and fieldwork placements (for Nutrition student only)
Seattle Indian Health Board
Practicum and fieldwork placements (for Nutrition student only)
King County Employee Health & Well-being
Practicum and fieldwork placements (for Nutrition student only)
Mind Body Nutrition, PLLC
Practicum and fieldwork placements (for Nutrition student only)
Neighborcare Health at Rainier Beach
Practicum and fieldwork placements (for Nutrition student only)
North Sound Nourishment and Recovery
Practicum and fieldwork placements (for Nutrition student only)
Odessa Brown Children's Clinic (OBCC)
Practicum and fieldwork placements (for Nutrition student only)
Providence Hospital & Medical Center
Practicum and fieldwork placements (for Nutrition student only)
Seattle Cancer Care Alliance
Practicum and fieldwork placements (for Nutrition student only)
Special Olympics Washington
Practicum and fieldwork placements (for Nutrition student only)
United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
Consortium of Universities for Global Health
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Washington State Department of Health (DOH)
Asian Pacific Islander Coalition Advocating Together for Health (APICAT)
No active projects with organization
African Americans Reach and Teach Health (AARTH)
UW Behavioral Research Center for HIV
Abbott Laboratories
Stephen E. Hawes
Long term consulting with START Center
Africa Health Research Institute
Peter Rabinowitz
No active projects with organization
African Americans Reach and Teach Health (AARTH)
Susan M. Graham
UW Behavioral Research Center for HIV
Project WebsiteAlaska Department of Health and Social Services, Division of Public Health
Susan Hemingway
AK and WA established statewide FASD diagnostic clinics using the FASD 4-Digit Code for 20 and 30 years respectively
Project WebsiteAmerican Academy of Pediatrics
Catherine Karr
No active projects with organization
American Diabetes Association
Ian H. De Boer
No active projects with organization
American Heart Association
Ian H. De Boer
No active projects with organization
American Society of Nephrology
Ian H. De Boer
No active projects with organization
Amsterdam University Medical Center
Judd L Walson
CHAIN-MITS - understanding cause of death of children who died while enrolled in CHAIN; qualitative research to understand cultural acceptance of minimally invasive tissue sampling (MITS) in Malawi
Project WebsiteAsian Pacific Islander Coalition Advocating Together for Health (APICAT)
Joon-Ho Yu
No active projects with organization
Auburn School District
Anne E Lund
Practicum and fieldwork placements (for Nutrition student only)
Project WebsiteBill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Andy Stergachis
Ad hoc advisor: vaccine safety
Project WebsiteJerry Cangelosi
No active projects with organization
Judd L Walson
CHAIN COVID - surveilling cases of SARS-CoV-2 in LMICs from CHAIN Network sites
Project WebsiteCHAIN-MITS - understanding cause of death of children who died while enrolled in CHAIN; qualitative research to understand cultural acceptance of minimally invasive tissue sampling (MITS) in Malawi
Project WebsiteDeWorm3 - series of cluster trials to develop and test strategies to interrupt parasitic worms on a large scale
Project WebsiteBill & Melinda Gates Foundation research support from the Strategic Analysis, Research & Training Center
CHAIN Network - multi-site cohort study to identify clinical, social and behavioral characteristics of children under 2 at risk of death during and after hospitalization (6 months follow up)
Project WebsitePatricia B Pavlinac
EFGH - inform the design of Shigella vaccine efficacy trials in children living in LMICs
Project Website