Catherine Karr

Professor, Pediatrics - General Pediatrics
Professor, Env. and Occ. Health Sciences
Adjunct Professor, Epidemiology

UW DEOHS, 4225 Roosevelt Way NE, Suite 301

Seattle, WA 98105-


Research Interests

Clean Air, Clean Water, Sustainable Communities, Agricultural health and safety, Chemical hazards, Children's Health, Community-engaged Research, Environmental Health, Environmental Justice, Pesticides, Pollution, Wildfires

DEOHS Biography


PhD Epidemiology, University of Washington, 2004

MD Medicine, University of Washington, 1999

MS Toxicology, University of Washington, 1989

BS Biology, University of Michigan, 1984

In the News

Young kids who breathe polluted air in high-poverty areas can fall behind in school, study finds
The Washington Post, 11/30/2022

Longer duration of exclusive breastfeeding has protective effect on childhood asthma
Science Daily, 05/25/2022

EPA allows continued use of pesticide linked to developmental issues in children
ABC News, 07/19/2019

Researchers explore a pesticide link to asthma in farmworkers' children.
WUNC: North Carolina Public Radio, 09/07/2018

Does Yakima Valley agriculture trigger asthma?
Yakima Herald, 06/29/2018

Dairy farms battle environmentalists over manure
KING5 News, 06/09/2018

Dairy farms battle environmentalists over manure.
King5 News, 06/07/2018

Catherine Karr: improving paediatric respiratory health.
The Lancet, 05/25/2018

Elementary schools testing positive for lead
KIRO 7, 05/03/2018

For farmworkers' kids, country air means dust, pesticides and asthma., 04/25/2018