Public Health Practice

SPH Partnerships Around the U.S. and the World

Partnerships map


Office of Public Health Practice (OPHP)

The Office of Public Health Practice (OPHP) facilitates practice-based learning and partnership between students and faculty across the School of Public Health (SPH) and organizations regionally, nationally, and globally. OPHP serves as a resource for SPH programs and aims to expand opportunities for student training, organization capacity building, and visibility of public health practice through data and examples.

About OPHP

Public Health Practice Seminar Series

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Partnership Highlights

See examples of current collaborations and projects.

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Student Practice Experiences

Here are ways our students collaborate with communities in the region and the world.

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Collaborating with OPHP

Join our network of public health mentors and collaborators.


Janice North
Manager of Experiential Learning
Office of Public Health Practice


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