SPH Partnerships Around the World

Our faculty have developed strong relationships with communities, leaders, and organizations throughout the region and beyond. We are highlighting organizational partnerships and faculty who have in-depth knowledge of SPH to deepen the experience for our current students and support SPH’s academic areas of focus. Learn more about these partnerships using the map and list below.

KEMRI Center for Respiratory Diseases Research (CRDR)

Engi F. Attia

Examining post-TB lung disease (PTLD) in children with a focus on children under 5

Coptic Hospital of Kenya

Engi F. Attia

Phenotyping and endotyping chronic lung disease among adolescents and adults living with HIV

El Centro de la Raza

Elena Austin

Airport Communities Solutions Summit

Public Health - Seattle & King County

Elena Austin

Health impact of outdoor air pollution on airport communities.

Washington State Dairy Federation

Washington State Dairy Federation

Elena Austin

PNASH center dairy training intervention

Highline Public Schools

Elena Austin

Healthy Schools; Healthy Air

Federal Way Public Schools

Elena Austin

Healthy School; Healthy Air

Casa Familiar

Elena Austin

San Ysidro: Air Quality & Border Traffic Study

Central Pierce Fire & Rescue

Elena Austin

Fire fighter glove use best practices project

Teamsters 117

Marissa Baker

Assessing risk perceptions and needs of app-based drivers during COVID-19

King County Auditors Office

Marissa Baker

King County employee COVID-19 health and safety survey

Bahamas Maritime Authority

Marissa Baker

Global seafarer COVID-19 welfare study

United States Department of Transportation Maritime Administration

Marissa Baker

United States Mariner Mental Health Needs During COVID-19

International Association of Sheet Metal, Air, Rail, and Transportation Workers (SMART)

Marissa Baker

Promoting Safety and Well-Being Among Sheet Metal Worker Women Through implementing and evaluating a Mentoring program

Washington Labor Education and Research Center

Marissa Baker

Exploring affects to vulnerable workers, women, and essential workers during the COVID-19 pandemic

Teamsters 763

Marissa Baker

Well-being and quality of life of private EMTs during the COVID-19 pandemic

Mental Health Support Solutions

Marissa Baker

Exploring interventions to improve seafarer mental health

Public Health - Seattle & King County

Barbara Baquero

COVID confidence and uptake among BIPOC south king county communities

Public Health - Seattle & King County

Human Sciences Research Council

Ruanne Barnabas

Community-based HIV testing, linkage to care, and ART.

Eritrean Health Board

Ruanne Barnabas

UW/Fred Hutch Center for AIDS Research: Developmental Core

Ethiopian Health Board

Ruanne Barnabas

UW/Fred Hutch Center for AIDS Research: Developmental Core

Public Health - Seattle & King County

Wendy Barrington

Understanding factors that influence patient enrollment, navigation, and tracking within the Breast, Cervical, and Colon Health Program (BCCHP)

Public Health - Seattle & King County

Wendy Barrington

Understanding the role of community health workers (CHWs) during the COVID-19 pandemic

Public Health - Seattle & King County

Wendy Barrington

Pandemic & Racism Community Advisory Group

Washington State Department of Health (DOH)

Wendy Barrington

External evaluation of the Breast, Cervical, and Colon Health Program (BCCHP)

Washington State Department of Health (DOH)

Wendy Barrington

Community Health Workers for COVID Response and Resilient Communities

Washington State Department of Health (DOH)

Wendy Barrington

National Initiative to Address COVID-19 Health Disparities Among Populations at High-Risk and Underserved, Including Racial and Ethnic Minority Populations and Rural Communities

Mount Zion Baptist Church

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Janet G. Baseman

CDC Board of Scientific Counselors review committee.

Public Health - Seattle & King County

Janet G. Baseman

SEAL Team applied epidemiology projects-various

Washington State Department of Health (DOH)

Janet G. Baseman

WA Notify Technical Assistance and Evaluation

Washington State Department of Health (DOH)

Janet G. Baseman

SEAL Team applied epidemiology projects-various

Washington State Department of Health (DOH)

Janet G. Baseman

Washington Food Safety Center of Excellence

Washington State Department of Health (DOH)

Janet G. Baseman

Data Modernization Initiative Data Science Training and Evaluation

Chelan-Douglas Health District

Janet G. Baseman

North Central Washington Epidemiology Consortium

Chelan-Douglas Health District

Janet G. Baseman

SEAL Team applied epidemiology projects-various

WA State Tribal Community

Michele A Bedard-Gilligan

I am partnering with a NW tribal organization to provide training in evidence based approaches for treating trauma related mental health concerns.

Public Health - Seattle & King County

Betty Bekemeier

TA provider for PHSKC's CDC Infrastructure & Workforce Development grant

Harborview Injury Prevention & Research Center

Betty Bekemeier

Collaborate on training development related to injury and violence prevention

Washington State Department of Health (DOH)

Betty Bekemeier

Organizational rep serves on our various advisory boards/steering committees

Washington State Department of Health (DOH)

Betty Bekemeier

TA provider for their CDC Infrastructure & Workforce Development grant

Washington State Department of Health (DOH)

Betty Bekemeier

Implementation of their State-wide Assessment Workgroup

Washington State Health Care Authority

Betty Bekemeier

Support for our NW Public Health-Primary Care Leadership Institute & Alumni group

Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Division of Public Health

Betty Bekemeier

TA provider for their CDC Infrastructure & Workforce Development grant

Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Division of Public Health

Betty Bekemeier

Organizational rep serves on our various advisory boards/steering committees

Idaho Department of Health and Welfare

Betty Bekemeier

Organizational rep serves on our various advisory boards/steering committees

Idaho Department of Health and Welfare

Betty Bekemeier

TA provider for their CDC Infrastructure & Workforce Development grant

Oregon Health Authority, Public Health Division

Betty Bekemeier

TA provider for their CDC Infrastructure & Workforce Development grant

Oregon Health Authority, Public Health Division

Betty Bekemeier

Organizational rep serves on our various advisory boards/steering committees

Washington State Association of Local Public Health Officials

Betty Bekemeier

Organizational rep serves on our various advisory boards/steering committees

Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium

Betty Bekemeier

Organizational rep serves on our various advisory boards/steering committees

Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board

Betty Bekemeier

Organizational rep serves on our various advisory boards/steering committees

Northwest Regional Primary Care Association

Betty Bekemeier

Organizational rep serves on our various advisory boards/steering committees

Northwest Regional Primary Care Association

Betty Bekemeier

Co-developer of NWCPHP's Leadership Institute

Oregon Coalition of Local Health Officials

Betty Bekemeier

Organizational rep serves on our various advisory boards/steering committees

Idaho Association of Public Health District Directors

Betty Bekemeier

Organizational rep serves on our various advisory boards/steering committees

Yakima Valley Community College, Washington State Allied Health Center of Excellence

Betty Bekemeier

Organizational rep serves on our various advisory boards/steering committees

National Network of Public Health Institutes

Betty Bekemeier

Technical assistance and support for NWCPHP's Public Health Training Center work

National Network of Public Health Institutes

Betty Bekemeier

Collaborations regarding public health workforce development

National Public Health Training Centers Network

Betty Bekemeier

Participate in a collaborative network of 10 federally-funded Public Health Training Centers

de Beaumont Foundation

Betty Bekemeier

Collaborate on national training needs assessments for the public health workforce

de Beaumont Foundation

Betty Bekemeier

Public health workforce research

Washington State Public Health Association

Betty Bekemeier

Collaborations regarding public health workforce development

Multnomah County Health Department

Betty Bekemeier

TA provider for Multnomah County's CDC Infrastructure & Workforce Development grant

Oregon Office of Rural Health

Betty Bekemeier

Evaluation of Rural Public Health Workforce Training Network efforts

Washington State Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction

Betty Bekemeier

Evaluation of the YES! program for prevention of sexual violence

Alzheimer's Association


Basia Belza

Dementia Action Collaborative

Infectious Diseases Society of America

Rachel Bender Ignacio

Developing Advocacy tools for public health

California Healthcare Foundation

Ian M Bennett

Los Angeles Maternal Mental Health Access Project (LAMMHA)

Tacoma Tree Foundation

Gregory Bratman

Understand human health and increased urban greening

City of Tacoma

Gregory Bratman

Understand human health and increased urban greening

biotechnology and diagnostics industry companies

Brian W. Bresnahan

diagnostic screening and phone-based monitoring

Kenya Medical Research Institute

Elizabeth Bukusi

HIV Pre Exposure prophylaxis among young women and young girls

Kenya Medical Research Institute

Elizabeth Bukusi

Pre Exposure Implementation among discordant couples

Kenya Medical Research Institute

Elizabeth Bukusi

HIV and women : D43 training grant to build capacity for implementation science to improve health outcomes for women

Kenya Medical Research Institute

Elizabeth Bukusi

Providing long acting PreP to young women at risk for HIV infection

Kenya Medical Research Institute

Elizabeth Bukusi

Mentoring on a project for improving family planning outcomes for young women and their choices

Kenya Medical Research Institute

Elizabeth Bukusi

Improving HIV prevention among young women after pregnancy loss

Kenya Medical Research Institute

Elizabeth Bukusi

Testing the efficacy of one dose of HPV vaccine for young women

Kenya Medical Research Institute

Elizabeth Bukusi

PreP (HIIV) among young women attending family planning clinics

Kenya Medical Research Institute

Elizabeth Bukusi

Prep Provision using a pharmacy based approach

Kenya Medical Research Institute

Elizabeth Bukusi

prep as a one stop shop provision in government linked health facilities

Association of State Public Health Nutritionists (ASPHN)

Pia Chaparro

Children's Healthy Weight State Capacity Building Program

Public Health - Seattle & King County

Marty Cohen

Collaborated on an observational study of face covering usage during COVID

Public Health - Seattle & King County

Marty Cohen

Have assisted with their evaluations of ventilation systems for COVID

Public Health - Seattle & King County

Marty Cohen

Conducting training for staff on indoor air and ventilation

Public Health - Seattle & King County

Marty Cohen

Have facilitated internships at PH-SKC

Aerospace Mfg1

Marty Cohen

Provide workplace H&S consultations

Aerospace Mfg1

Marty Cohen

Evaluating hexavalent chromium program

Aerospace Mfg1

Marty Cohen

Reviewing H&S programs

Washington State Department of Health (DOH)

Washington State Department of Health (DOH)

Marty Cohen

Work with DOH on developing employment and internship opportunities

Washington State Department of Health (DOH)

Marty Cohen

Collaborating on COIVD face covering study

Washington State Labor and Industries

Marty Cohen

Doing research on face covering materials for COVID

Washington State Labor and Industries

Washington State Labor and Industries

Marty Cohen

Giving input on proposed regulations

Washington State Labor and Industries

Marty Cohen

Collaborating on the evaluation of ergonomic changes to a work task

Washington State Labor and Industries

Marty Cohen

Providing training for their staff

Washington State Labor and Industries

Marty Cohen

Providing interns and host matching

Washington State Labor and Industries

Marty Cohen

Providing well-trained potential employees

Washington State Labor and Industries

Marty Cohen

Sitting on a number of technical advisory working groups

Specialty Contractor1

Marty Cohen

Evaluate silica exposures from various processes

Specialty Contractor1

Marty Cohen

Develop a database on silica exposures

Cabinet Company

Marty Cohen

Evaluate a variety of exposures and help develop controls as needed

Cabinet Company

Marty Cohen

Conducted at class tour at their site

Solid surface manufacturer

Marty Cohen

Evaluate exposures and help develop a silica program

Solid surface manufacturer

Marty Cohen

Conducted at class tour at their site

Steel Foundry

Marty Cohen

Evaluate exposures

Steel Foundry

Marty Cohen

Conducted at class tour at their site

Olympia Coffee Roasting

Olympia Coffee Roasting

Marty Cohen

Conduct research on exposures and controls

County Court

Marty Cohen

Providing periodic assistance on COVID reopening

Greater Seattle Business Association

Marty Cohen

Collect data and present training for members

Healthy Energy Worker Board

Marty Cohen

Working on the state legislated Healthy Energy Worker Board to address exposure, health, and health care issues at the US DOE Hanford site.

Aerospace Mfg2

Marty Cohen

Facility tours, internships, employment opportunities

Electronics Manufacturer

Marty Cohen

Facility tours and consultative services

Campbell Institute

Marty Cohen

Member of the Advisory Council for the Work to Zero initiative

Statewide Firefighters

Marty Cohen

Helping to evaluate gloves that provide protection, but minimize ergonomic-related stresses

Seattle Children's Hospital

Jim Condon

Review Untranslated Sigs; Create an Excel Document Expressing Different Doses for the Most Commonly Used Sigs

Seattle Children's Hospital

Jim Condon

Time Study of Inventory Receiving Workflow

Seattle Children's Hospital

Jim Condon

Review Functionality of Auto Par and Optimum Calculations

Foundation for Health Care Quality

Jim Condon

Bree Collaborative: Evaluation Planning for Heat Related Illness

Foundation for Health Care Quality

Jim Condon

Bree Collaborative: Evaluation Planning for Youth Behavioral Health

Foundation for Health Care Quality

Jim Condon

Bree Collaborative: Evaluation Planning for Opioid Use Disorder Treatment

Foundation for Health Care Quality

Jim Condon

Bree Collaborative: Pre-Planning for Chronic Opioid Therapy Study

Swedish Health Services

Jim Condon

Standardizing Document Indexing and Sub-Indexing Fields Across the Providence Enterprise

Brown & Brown of Washington

Jim Condon

Design a HIPAA Compliance and Security Program

Fred Hutch Cancer Center

Jim Condon

Access File Bridge Charge Move and Audit

Fred Hutch Cancer Center

Jim Condon

Research and Policy Writing on Defining the Legal Medical Record and Designated Record Set

Fred Hutch Cancer Center

Jim Condon

Review and Update Standard Operating Procedures

Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute

Paul K Crane

Prospective cohort study of older adults with dementia and brain autopsy outcomes. Aspects of the study include economics, lived experience of people with dementia and caregivers, and many others

Public Health - Seattle & King County

M.D. Danielle Zerr

Ongoing effort to have regional hospital agreement on masking and other strategies

Northwest Healthcare Response Network

M.D. Danielle Zerr

Ongoing effort to have regional hospital agreement on masking and other strategies

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Elizabeth E Dawson-Hahn

Medical Advisor to the Immigrant, Refugee and Migrant Health Branch

Washington State Department of Health (DOH)

United Nations International Organization for Migration

Elizabeth E Dawson-Hahn

Advising on health systems strengthening for children seeking refugee through the USRAP

National Resource Center for Refugees, Immigrants and Migrants

Elizabeth E Dawson-Hahn

Lead the Qualitative Collaborative at NRC-RIM to learn the perspectives of social, community, public health and health organizations partnering with refugee, immigrant and migrant communities.

American Academy of Pediatrics

Douglas S. Diekema

Youth Tackle Football Task Force

Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute

Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute

Harborview Injury Prevention & Research Center

Beth Ebel

Support developing of AI tools for injury prevention messages whihc can be tailored for diverse communities

Washington Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics

Beth Ebel

Help develop AI capability for diverse communication on behavioral health

Obstetrical Care Outcomes Assessment Program

Daniel A. Enquobahrie

Evaluation of disparities in obstetric outcomes, process, and quality measures among racial and ethnic groups

Public Health - Seattle & King County

Nicole A Errett

Collaborate on applied research related to disaster resilience and climate and health equity.

Duwamish River Cleanup Coalition/Technical Advisory Group (DRCC/TAG)

Nicole A Errett

Membership on Community Advisory Board for UW EDGE Center

Clean Air Methow

Nicole A Errett

Technical assistance/research translation on air pollution impacts (Smoke Stories podcasts)

Front and Centered

Stephanie Farquhar

Environmental Justice Thriving Communities Technical Assistance Centers (EJ TCTACs)

Lighthouse Trust

Caryl Feldacker

2 NIH-funded studies: Using two-way texting to increase retention in ART care. A mobile electronic medical record system for community-based care.

Aurum Institute

Caryl Feldacker

NIH R01: Using two-way texting as telehealth-based follow-up for male circumcision clients.

The Centre for HIV Prevention Studies

Caryl Feldacker

NIH R01: Using two-way texting as telehealth-based follow-up for male circumcision clients.


Caryl Feldacker

Multiple projects using two-way texting and other appropriate digital innovations to increase client engagement in care


Caryl Feldacker

National scale up partner for voluntary medical male circumcision

Zimbabwe Association of Church-related Hospitals (ZACH)

Caryl Feldacker

National scale up partner for voluntary medical male circumcision

Zim-TTECH (Zimbabwe Training and Education Center for Health)

Caryl Feldacker

I-TECH collaborative partner for national scale up of voluntary medical male circumcision as well as HIV prevention, treatment, and care

United States Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)

Stephan D Fihn

Assistance with projects to evaluate quality of primary care and measures of outpt productivity

JAMA Network

Stephan D Fihn

I serve as Deputy Editor for JAMA Network Open

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Abraham D Flaxman

Vision and Eye Health Surveillance System

United States Census Bureau

Abraham D Flaxman

Open data and software for Probabilistic Record Linkage

Missouri Breaks Industries

Mandy Fretts

Cooking for Health Study

Missouri Breaks Industries

Keya Foundation

Mandy Fretts

USDA GusNIP/Produce Prescription Program

Washington State Workforce Training and Education Coordinating Board

Delta Dental of Washington

Bianca K Frogner

Washington Oral Health Workforce Tracking Program

Seattle Public Schools

Michelle Garrison

Evaluation of the school start times change

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Lorenzo Giacani

Syphilis in Preganancy Study

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Lorenzo Giacani

Syphilis vaccine development

Open Philanthropy

Lorenzo Giacani

Syphilis Vaccine Development

Wellcome Sanger Institute

Lorenzo Giacani

Syphilis Vaccine Development

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Peter B Gilbert

Coronavirus Prevention Network

National Institutes of Health (Instituto Nacional de Saude) in Mozambique

KEMRI-Wellcome Trust

Sarah Gimbel

TIBA: Implementation of Thermal Ablation in Reproductive Health Services

King County Correctional Facility

Sarah Gimbel

SAIA MOUD Community Linkages - Rita and Alex Hillman Foundation

King County Correctional Facility

Sarah Gimbel

Using the Systems Analysis and Improvement Approach (SAIA) to Optimize the quality and continuity of MOUD services for people exiting jails in King County

Nyanza Reproductive Health Society

Susan M. Graham

Trial of periodic presumptive treatment for STI versus doxyPEP among gay and bisexual men


Brandon L Guthrie

mPACT - pilot a mHealth framework that uses a combination of group peer support and one-to-one communication with a healthcare provider specifically trained in youth HIV care

Kenyatta National Hospital

Brandon L Guthrie

mPACT - pilot a mHealth framework that uses a combination of group peer support and one-to-one communication with a healthcare provider specifically trained in youth HIV care

National Association of Chronic Disease Directors

Peggy Hannon

Evaluation and technical assistance related to CDC's cancer screening programs for breast, cervical, and colorectal cancer

National Association of Chronic Disease Directors

Peggy Hannon

NACDD supports our work to recruit local health departments around the country to participate in our Connect to Wellness program to reach small worksites with an evidence-based wellness program

Public Health - Seattle & King County

Peggy Hannon

We provide evaluation and implementation assistance to 14 community-based organizations implementing older adult programming; both they and my research center are supported to do this by PH-SKC

Washington State Department of Health (DOH)

Peggy Hannon

We serve as program evaluators and provide technical assistance around implementation for the Breast, Cervical, and Colon Health Program

Washington State Department of Health (DOH)

Peggy Hannon

We provide program evaluation and technical assistance related to HPV vaccination and state tobacco policy for the Comprehensive Cancer Control Partnership

Washington State Department of Health (DOH)

Cristen Harris

Eating competence (provider wellness) and child feeding in early childhood education

Washington State Department of Health (DOH)

Cristen Harris

Child Health Profile professional review team

American Heart Association

Jeff Harris

To create equity guidelines for large U.S. employers.

American Heart Association

Jeff Harris

To assist U.S. employers in workplace health promotion programs.

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

World Health Organization

Stephen E. Hawes

Collaboration on Wolbachia Tool

Washington State Department of Health (DOH)

Stephen E. Hawes

Collaboration on linkage of birth certifications and CHARS hospitalization records

Boston Scientific

Stephen E. Hawes

Consulting for Close the Gap team, identifying health disparities in diseases

National Multiple Sclerosis Society

Stephen E. Hawes

Consulting on MS prevention clinical trial infrastructure

World Mosquito Program

Stephen E. Hawes

Collaboration on Wolbachia Tool

Abbott Laboratories

Stephen E. Hawes

Long term consulting with START Center

InBios International

Stephen E. Hawes

Consultation on rapid diagnostic tests

Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute

Kenya Medical Research Institute

Renee Heffron

Clinical and implementation science research about HIV prevention, including novel products for pre-exposure prophylaxis.

Infectious Diseases Institute

Renee Heffron

Clinical and implementation science research about HIV prevention, including novel products for pre-exposure prophylaxis.

Wits Reproductive Health and HIV Institute

Renee Heffron

Clinical and implementation science research about HIV prevention, including novel products for pre-exposure prophylaxis, and interactions with reproductive health interventions.

Jhpiego Lesotho

Renee Heffron

Operational research to optimize HIV prevention delivery, including for pre-exposure prophylaxis.


Susan Hemingway

DSHS has funded our WA Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Diagnostic & Prevention Network of clinics since 1995. The mission is prevention of FASD through screening, diagnosis, intervention, surveillance, training and research.


Susan Hemingway

As co-chair of the WA FASD Interagency Work Group, submitted recommendations to the State legislature regarding FASD prevention efforts proposed inHouse Bill 2737

Polski Instytut FASD

Susan Hemingway

Provided training for clinical interdisciplinary team to establish this FASD diagnostic clinics throughout Poland

NIAAA Consensus Task Force

Susan Hemingway

Member of a 14-person international task force to reach consensus on a single FASD diagnostic system.

FASD Research Australia Kids' Research and Clinicface

Susan Hemingway

Working with colleagues from Curtin University and University of Sydney and Perth Australia to develop a 3D facial measurement system that can perform as well as our 2D facial software.

Washington Research Foundation

Susan Hemingway

Funded the creation of our FAS Facial Photographic Analysis Software used to diagnose the facial features of fetal alcohol syndrome based on research conducted by the FASDPN. The software has been distributed to over 1,500 clinicians in 29 countries

Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Division of Public Health

Susan Hemingway

AK and WA established statewide FASD diagnostic clinics using the FASD 4-Digit Code for 20 and 30 years respectively


Susan Hemingway

Created and distribute FASD diagnostic tools (Lip-Philtrum Guides, FASD 4-Digit Diagnostic Code, FAS Facial Photographic Analysis Software) to thousands of clinicians in over 35 countries since 2004


Susan Hemingway

FASD prevention in WA State: Documented a significant decline in maternal drinking during pregnancy correlated with a significant decline in FAS births


Susan Hemingway

Helped support passage of House Bill 1168 in 2023 to expand FASD diagnosis and intervention


Susan Hemingway

Advocated for WA DDA acceptance of FASD for determination of eligibility


Susan Hemingway

Established Tableau dashboards to provide Users with interactive access to our FASD database


Susan Hemingway

Training over 1,800 clinicians from 40 countries on the use of our Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder 4-Digit Diagnostic Code


Susan Hemingway

Conducted a 10-year FAS screening on children in Seattle foster care. Concluded 1/100 had FAS.


Susan Hemingway

Helped write Senate Bill 5688 in 1997, resulting in RCW71.24.605 to establish statewide FASD diagnostic clinics.

Russian orphanages

Susan Hemingway

Provided training for two Russian orphanages on how to screen/diagnose FASD

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Jeremy Johnson Hess

We work with the CDC Climate and Health Program (CHP) and the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE) to develop indicators for tracking pollen, climate change, and health impacts

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Jeremy Johnson Hess

We work with the CDC CHP to evaluate and gain insight into implementation of its cooperative agreement program Building Resilience Against Climate Effects (BRACE).

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Jeremy Johnson Hess

We work with CDC CHP to place interns and fellows to gain experience with climate and health practice.

Washington State Department of Health (DOH)

Jeremy Johnson Hess

We work with WA DOH to advise the agency regarding climate and health program preparedness

Washington State Department of Health (DOH)

Jeremy Johnson Hess

We work with WA DOH to respond to requests for a Cumulative Impact Assessment of fossil fuel pollution and climate change in response to the Clean Energy Transformation Act

World Health Organization South-East Asia (WHO SEARO)

Jeremy Johnson Hess

We work with SEARO and member countries to develop climate and health vulnerability and adaptation assessments

World Health Organization South-East Asia (WHO SEARO)

Jeremy Johnson Hess

We work with SEARO and member countries to evaluate the impacts of climate and health programming

Kenya Medical Research Institute

David Horne

Partners on NIH study of TB infectiousness and aerobiology

Ministry of Health, Kenya

David Horne

Partners on NIH study of TB infectiousness and aerobiology

National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)

Public Health - Seattle & King County

Emily Hovis

Research rodent activity in Seattle and evaluate survey methodology

Public Health - Seattle & King County

Emily Hovis

Provide consultative and/or technical assistance to Food Safety Program on community food donation

Washington State Department of Health (DOH)

Emily Hovis

Research safety of community food donation practices and provide guidance

Washington State Department of Ecology

Emily Hovis

Provide consultative and/or technical assistance to DOE on implementation of the Use Food Well Washington Plan

Northwest Food Alliance

Emily Hovis

Provide consultative and/or technical assistance on food safety and food rescue practices

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Jim Hughes

HIV Prevention Trials Network

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Jim Hughes

Back to School following COVID in Yakima

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Jim Hughes

Statistical Methods for AIDS Research

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Grace C. John-Stewart

DART - to survey treatment outcomes in HIV-infected children, and to conduct an in-depth analysis of child and caregiver barriers and facilitators to better treatment outcomes.

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Grace C. John-Stewart

MB Study - addresses the potential of antibodies and help define immune responses to protect infants against HIV

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Grace C. John-Stewart

HIV Persistence - provide novel data on reservoir dynamics to inform intervention strategies for improved long-term management and reservoir control in HIV+ children

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Grace C. John-Stewart

HOPE - leverage team experience to comprehensively understand burden, mechanism, and outcomes in HEU; engaging stakeholders to enhance HEU management programmatically based on findings

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Grace C. John-Stewart

Mobile WACh X - RCT comparing 1-way SMS vs 2-way SMS vs control to improve virologic suppression in HIV-infected peripartum women

Kenyatta National Hospital

Grace C. John-Stewart

AGYW - PrEP in Pregnancy suite of studies to evaluate PrEP adherence in adolescent girls and young women; programmatically evaluate PrEP implementation in MCH and FP clinics

Kenyatta National Hospital

Grace C. John-Stewart

ATTACh - evaluate rates and co-factors of effective transition in HIV treatment programs in Kenya and to adapt, implement, and evaluate an Adolescent Transition Package (ATP)

Kenyatta National Hospital

Grace C. John-Stewart

PrEPARE - seeks to identify ways to improve efficiency of PrEP integration within MCH clinics

Washington State Department of Health (DOH)

Eddie Kasner

Pesticide Application Safety Committee

Washington State Department of Health (DOH)

Eddie Kasner

Pesticide Illness Surveillance Program

Washington State Labor and Industries

Washington State Labor and Industries

Eddie Kasner

Multi-cultural Safety and Health Outreach Program

Washington State Department of Agriculture

Washington State Department of Agriculture

National Institute for Occupational Safety & Health (NIOSH)

Eddie Kasner

Pacific Northwest Agricultural Safety and Health Center

Radio KDNA 91.9 FM

Eddie Kasner

Wildfire Smoke and Heat Resources

Alaska Marine Safety Education Association

Eddie Kasner

Commercial Fishing Safety Resources and Outreach

Community for the Advancement of Family Education

Washington State Promotor Network/CHW Network

Eddie Kasner

COVID-19, Wildfire Smoke, and Heat Resources

Washington State Tree Fruit Association

Eddie Kasner

Agricultural Leadership Program

Washington State Department of Health (DOH)

Marie Kava

Tobacco-free policies and programs at Washington State agencies

Washington State Department of Health (DOH)

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

Ed Kelly

The Extended Culture of Kidney MPS and Organoids to Model Acute and Chronic Exposure to Drugs and Environmental Toxins investigation approaches the challenge by developing two innovative models: the proximal tubule epithelial microphysiologic system (MPS) and the iPSC-derived kidney organoid. The goal of this investigation is to extend the use of the systems to model longer exposures to stressors and subsequent recovery to up to 6 months.

Public Health - Seattle & King County

Roxanne P. Kerani

Coordinate updates to a HIV stigma reduction curriculum adapted for three African immigrant communities in King County, WA


Larry Kessler

Developing risk score from mammograms

Seattle Children's Hospital

Eileen J. Klein

Emergency Research Program

Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute

Sarah Knerr

Implementing routine hereditary cancer risk assesment

Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Research

Sarah Knerr

CARE-HCS: Care Coordination for Hereditary Cancer Syndromes

Denver Health

Sarah Knerr

CARE-HCS: Care Coordination for Hereditary Cancer Syndromes

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Sylvia M LaCourse

COVID-19 in Pregnancy - surveillance study of SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence among pregnant women in WA State

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Paul Lampe

Lung cancer early detection research particularly in underserved groups

Instituto Nacional de Saude

Karen Levy

PAASIM Research project (Beira, Mozambique)

City of Seattle

Karen Levy

Research study on WASH and people living in vehicles

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

Karen Levy

Representative Key Risks chapter

Soil Haiti

Karen Levy

Scientific advisor

Washington State Department of Health (DOH)

Bill Lober

Interagency Agreements to support DOH incorporation of FHIR as part of Digital Modernization Initiative

Washington State Health Care Authority

Bill Lober

Clinical Decision Support for Opioid Prescribing, using state Prescription Drug Monitoring data

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Jennifer M Lund

UW/Fred Hutch Center for AIDS Research: Developmental Core

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Margaret Madeleine

Therapeutic use of HPV L1 Vaccine in Anogenital Neoplasia: VIVA Trial

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Margaret Madeleine

Colaboraci?n Evita: Cervical Cancer Prevention Partnership Center

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Margaret Madeleine

CCSG Pilot: Landscape of Telehealth in Washington State

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Margaret Madeleine

Washington State COVID-19 and Cancer Research Data Repository

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Margaret Madeleine

Geospatial Analysis of HPV Vaccination in Washington

Washington State Department of Health (DOH)

Margaret Madeleine

Geospatial Analysis of HPV Vaccination in Washington

Instituto Dermatologico y Cirugia de Piel Dr. Huberto Bogaert Diaz (IDCP)

Margaret Madeleine

Colaboracion Evita: Cervical Cancer Prevention Partnership Center


Margaret Madeleine

Colaboracion Evita: Cervical Cancer Prevention Partnership Center

Evandro Chagas National Institute of Infectious at Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (INI/FIOCRUZ)

Via Libre

Margaret Madeleine

Colaboracion Evita: Cervical Cancer Prevention Partnership Center

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Lisa E. Manhart

MyGeniUS - M. genitalium surveillance in seven US sexual health clinics

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Lisa E. Manhart

Participation in expert consultation to update the STD Treatment Guidelines

Public Health - Seattle & King County

Lisa E. Manhart

Surveillance of M. genitalium infection and antibiotic resistance

Public Health - Seattle & King County

Lisa E. Manhart

Epidemiologic analyses of sexual health clinic data

Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

Susanne May

Statistician serving on advisory committee meetings


Robyn McClelland

MESA (Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis): a longitudinal cohort study of subclinical heart disease (NHLBI)


Robyn McClelland

KPMP (Kidney Precision Medicine Project): development of a kidney atlas for chronic kidney disease and acute kidney injury (NIDDK funded)


Robyn McClelland

DAP (Dog Aging Project): studying health and aging in companion dogs (NIA funded)


Robyn McClelland

Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension Registry (PHAR);


Robyn McClelland

Cardiovascular Health Study (CHS);

Kenya Medical Research Institute

Christine J McGrath

Determinants of Successful ART Outcomes in Children and Adolescents in Kenya (DART)

Kenya Medical Research Institute

Christine J McGrath

Impact of ART Adherence and Early Infant HIV Diagnosis on Option B+ Effectiveness in Kenya

Kenya Medical Research Institute

Christine J McGrath

Effects of Human Milk Oligosaccharides and Gut Microbiome on Growth and Morbidity in HIV-Exposed Uninfected Infants

Kenya Medical Research Institute

Christine J McGrath

Building the Evidence Base for Appropriate Care of the Sick, Undernourished Child in Limited Resource Settings (CHAIN)

Kenya Medical Research Institute

Christine J McGrath

Building the evidence base for appropriate care of the sick, undernourished child in limited resource settings (CHAIN Network); Role of Breast Milk Composition (BMC) in Recovery from Infant Illness and Malnutrition: a sub-study of CHAIN?

Kenya Medical Research Institute

Christine J McGrath

Azithromycin to prevent post-discharge mortality and morbidity in Kenyan children

Kenya Medical Research Institute

Christine J McGrath

Lactoferrin and lysozyme to promote nutritional, clinical, and enteric recovery: A factorial placebo-controlled randomized trial among children with diarrhea and malnutrition -- Enterics for Global Health

Kenya Medical Research Institute

Christine J McGrath

Developing low-cost universal malnutrition screening for low income countries (Mama Aweza Trial)

Kenya Medical Research Institute

Christine J McGrath

Developing a Two-way SMS Platform to Prevent and Treat Wasting Among HIV-infected and HIV-exposed Uninfected Children

Kenya Medical Research Institute

Christine J McGrath

Enterics for Global Health (EFGH) Part B - Surveillance

Kenyatta National Hospital

Christine J McGrath

Drug, microbiome, and immune determinants of birth and neurodevelopmental outcomes in children with exposure to HIV infection

Kenyatta National Hospital

Christine J McGrath

HEU outcomes: population-evaluation and screening strategies (HOPE)

Ministry of Health, Kenya

Christine J McGrath

Determinants of Successful ART Outcomes in Children and Adolescents in Kenya (DART)

Ministry of Health, Kenya

Christine J McGrath

Impact of ART Adherence and Early Infant HIV Diagnosis on Option B+ Effectiveness in Kenya

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - Kenya

Christine J McGrath

Determinants of Successful ART Outcomes in Children and Adolescents in Kenya (DART)

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - Kenya

Christine J McGrath

Impact of ART Adherence and Early Infant HIV Diagnosis on Option B+ Effectiveness in Kenya

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Arianna Means

Kikundi - Community of Practice for African Neglected Tropical Disease (NTD) Program Managers

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Arianna Means

DeWorm3 - series of cluster trials to develop and test strategies to interrupt parasitic worms on a large scale

Kenya Medical Research Institute

Arianna Means

Optimizing nutritional care for HIV exposed children in Kenya

Kenya Medical Research Institute

Arianna Means

Pediatric Guidelines Implementation and Optimization

Centre de Lutte Intégrée contre le Paludisme

Arianna Means

DeWorm3 - series of cluster trials to develop and test strategies to interrupt parasitic worms on a large scale

Imperial College London

Arianna Means

DeWorm3 - series of cluster trials to develop and test strategies to interrupt parasitic worms on a large scale

Christian Medical College, Vellore

Arianna Means

DeWorm3 - series of cluster trials to develop and test strategies to interrupt parasitic worms on a large scale

Christian Medical College, Vellore

Arianna Means

Scaling-up community-wide mass drug administration in India

Institut de Recherche Clinique du Bénin

Arianna Means

DeWorm3 - series of cluster trials to develop and test strategies to interrupt parasitic worms on a large scale

Institut de Recherche Clinique du Bénin

Arianna Means

PACT - testing community-driven strategies to lead NTD drug delivery within their own communities and neighborhoods to achieve high treatment coverage


Arianna Means

DeWorm3 - series of cluster trials to develop and test strategies to interrupt parasitic worms on a large scale

Natural History Museum, London

Arianna Means

DeWorm3 - series of cluster trials to develop and test strategies to interrupt parasitic worms on a large scale


Arianna Means

DeWorm3 - series of cluster trials to develop and test strategies to interrupt parasitic worms on a large scale

Smith College

Arianna Means

DeWorm3 - series of cluster trials to develop and test strategies to interrupt parasitic worms on a large scale

Public Health - Seattle & King County

Hendrika W Meischke

the Vulnerable Population Strategic Initiative

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Beth A Mueller

Pregnancy outcomes in women with disabilities

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Beth A Mueller

Invasive placenta as a marker of cancer susceptibility in women and their offspring

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Beth A Mueller

Genetic overlap of birth defects and childhood cancer

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Beth A Mueller

Risk factors for childhood cancer

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Beth A Mueller

Pregnancy factors in relation to breast cancer in parous women

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Beth A Mueller

Long term effects of cancer/cancer treatment on childhood cancer survivorship.

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Beth A Mueller

Disparities in childhood cancer survival by race/ethnicity.

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Beth A Mueller

Disparities in adherence to cancer survivorship guidelines in relation to measures of SES and social support.

Harborview Injury Prevention & Research Center

Beth A Mueller

INSIGHT Mentor for summer program with undergraduate and graduate students

Kenyatta National Hospital

Melissa L Mugambi

Optimizing Access to Early Antenatal Care and PrEP Among Pregnant Women

Kenya Medical Research Institute

Kenneth K Mugwanya

Pharmacology of TDF-FTC Pre-exposure Prophylaxis in African Cisgender women: The Women TDF-FTC Benchmark Study

Kenya Medical Research Institute

Kenneth K Mugwanya

Pharmacology of TAF-FTC Pre-exposure Prophylaxis in African Cisgender women: The Women TAF-FTC Benchmark Study

Kenya Medical Research Institute

Kenneth K Mugwanya

An implementation project to improve the efficiency of PrEP delivery in public health HIV care clinics in Kenya: The Efficiency Project

Kenya Medical Research Institute

Kenneth K Mugwanya

A pilot implementation project of partner HIV self-testing to catalyze PrEP delivery for HIV serodiscordant couples: The Partner HIV Self-Testing (PHIVST) Study

Kenyatta National Hospital

Kenneth K Mugwanya

PrEParing family planning clinics to streamline integration of HIV prevention services for young women in Kenya: The Family Planning plus HIV prevention (FP-Plus) Project

Infectious Diseases Institute

Kenneth K Mugwanya

Impact of Concurrent Initiation of DMPA Contraception and Tenofovir PrEP on Bone Loss in Young Women: The Kampala Women's Bone Study


Igor Novosselov

Sensor for PM bound VOC using excitation Emission Matrix spectroscopy


Igor Novosselov

Hydrothermal Alkaline Treatment of PFAS-contaminated matrices

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Region 5

Igor Novosselov

Evaluation of PFAS destruction in supercritical water oxidation

Medical Teams International

Kelli O'Laughlin

Head StART: Achieving HIV viral suppression in refugee settlements in Uganda with Head StART: a cluster randomized trial evaluating the effectiveness of community ART delivery for people newly diagnosed with HIV (R01MH130216)

Infectious Diseases Institute

Kelli O'Laughlin

Head StART: Achieving HIV viral suppression in refugee settlements in Uganda with Head StART: a cluster randomized trial evaluating the effectiveness of community ART delivery for people newly diagnosed with HIV (R01MH130216)

Infectious Diseases Institute

Kelli O'Laughlin

Assisted partner notification for HIV in refugee settlements in West Nile Uganda: assessing the reach, effectiveness, adoption, implementation, and maintenance using the RE-AIM framework

Infectious Diseases Institute

Kelli O'Laughlin

ART on the Go: Assessing the impact of mobility on HIV care cascade outcomes in refugee settlements in Uganda

Lighthouse Trust

Gabrielle O'Malley

This grant supports collaboration (research, training, direct services) with Lighthouse Trust, a national Center of Excellence for HIV prevention, care and treatment.

Malawi Department of HIV/AIDS, Ministry of Health

Gabrielle O'Malley

Capacity building to strengthen HIV epidemic control, through training and workshops and placement of seconded staff to advise on national policy and guideline development and monitoring and evaluation.

Public Health Institute of Malawi (PHIM)

Gabrielle O'Malley

Collaboration with PHIM includes COVID-19 surveillance activities and a fellowship and training program for field epidemiologists.

Namibia Ministry of Health and Social Services (MOHSS)

Gabrielle O'Malley

This grant supports delivery of technical assistance and direct service provision to increase the quantity and quality of HIV/AIDS prevention, care and treatment services.

El Centro de la Raza

India J. Ornelas

They are a site for a community-based trial testing an intervention to address mental health disparities among Latina immigrant women

Casa Latina

India J. Ornelas

They are a site for a community-based trial to test the efficacy of an intervention to reduce mental health disparities in Latina immigrant women.

Latinx Health Board

India J. Ornelas

I serve on their board

Kaiser Permanente Washington

India J. Ornelas

Serve as a recruitment site for study


India J. Ornelas

Serve as a recruitment site for a study

Riverton Parks United Methodist Church (tent encampment)

Suzinne Pak-Gorstein

UW SLAC - Developing Curriculum for Asylum Seeking families

Riverton Parks United Methodist Church (tent encampment)

THRIVE International - Doubletree Hotel with Asylum Seeking families

THRIVE International - Doubletree Hotel with Asylum Seeking families

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Patricia B Pavlinac

EFGH - inform the design of Shigella vaccine efficacy trials in children living in LMICs

Kenya Medical Research Institute

Patricia B Pavlinac

Toto Bora - RCT evaluating whether a 5-day course of azithromycin administered at hospital discharge reduces post-discharge mortality and morbidity among children 1-59 months old

Kenya Medical Research Institute

Patricia B Pavlinac

LactoLyze - A factorial, double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized trial to determine the efficacy and mechanisms of lactoferrin and lysozyme supplementation in minimizing the incidence of diarrhea and promoting nutritional recovery

Kenya Medical Research Institute

Patricia B Pavlinac

EFGH - inform the design of Shigella vaccine efficacy trials in children living in LMICs

Kenya Medical Research Institute

Patricia B Pavlinac

AZM Enterics - Utilizing samples from the AZM trial, will elucidate mechanisms of post-discharge morbidity, mortality, and growth faltering AND determine mechanisms of azithromycin's effect


Patricia B Pavlinac

EFGH - inform the design of Shigella vaccine efficacy trials in children living in LMICs

KEMRI-Wellcome Trust

Patricia B Pavlinac

AZM Enterics - Utilizing samples from the AZM trial, will elucidate mechanisms of post-discharge morbidity, mortality, and growth faltering AND determine mechanisms of azithromycin's effect

KEMRI-Wellcome Trust

Patricia B Pavlinac

LactoLyze - A factorial, double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized trial to determine the efficacy and mechanisms of lactoferrin and lysozyme supplementation in minimizing the incidence of diarrhea and promoting nutritional recovery

MRC Unit The Gambia

Patricia B Pavlinac

EFGH - inform the design of Shigella vaccine efficacy trials in children living in LMICs

Malawi-Liverpool-Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Programme

Patricia B Pavlinac

EFGH - inform the design of Shigella vaccine efficacy trials in children living in LMICs


Patricia B Pavlinac

EFGH - inform the design of Shigella vaccine efficacy trials in children living in LMICs

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Ulrike Peters

Translational research project in colorectal cancer health disparities

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Ulrike Peters

Genetic epidemiology of colorectal cancer

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Ulrike Peters

Genetic epidemiology in diverse populations

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Ulrike Peters

Molecular Epidemiological Pathology of colorectal cancer

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Ulrike Peters

Impact of host factors on tumor immune response

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Ulrike Peters

Risk prediction of colorectal cancer using genetic and environmental risk factors

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Amanda Phipps

- an investigation of the tumor associated microbiome in colorectal cancer within an existing Seattle-based cohort

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Amanda Phipps

- a consortium-based analysis of T cell response in colorectal cancer, and its associations with tumor characteristics, epidemiologic factors, and survival

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Amanda Phipps

- a multi-ethnic, multi-site study into the tumor-associated microbiome and its role in colorectal cancer disparities

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Amanda Phipps

Colon Cancer Family Registry - an international consortium examining genetic and lifestyle factors associated with colorectal cancer

Centre Haïtien pour le Renforcement du Système de Santé

Nancy Puttkammer

EMR-Based Machine Learning Methods to Support Optimized HIV Care Delivery in Haiti

Public Health - Seattle & King County

Washington State Department of Health (DOH)

Peter Rabinowitz

Antimicrobial resistance surveillance

Washington State Department of Health (DOH)

Washington State Labor and Industries

Peter Rabinowitz

Infection Prevention and Control on Farms

Neighborcare Health

Peter Rabinowitz

Health care for homeless with pets

SR3 - SeaLife Response, Rehabilitation, and Research

Washington State Department of Agriculture

Peter Rabinowitz

Assist with data integration of animal and human disease surveillance

Washington State Department of Health (DOH)

Washington State Department of Health (DOH)

Peter Rabinowitz

Antimicrobial resistance surveillance

Woodland Park Zoo

Peter Rabinowitz

Tree Kangaroo Conservation Program

Seattle King County Department of Public Health Jail Health Services

Megha Ramaswamy

Building capacity for anti-racist jail health services

Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department

David Reyes

Understand attitudes about vaccination in BIPOC and LGBTQ+ communities.

Asia Pacific Cultural Center

David Reyes

Understand attitudes about vaccination in BIPOC and LGBTQ+ communities.

American Heart Association

Ken Rice

Statistical Editing for an AHA journal

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Barbra Richardson

Work as statistician on clinical trials in the Microbicide Trials Network

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Barbra Richardson

Work as statistician on studies in the Infectious Disease Clinical Research Consortium (COVID research).

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Barbra Richardson

Work as statistician on basic science research studies on HIV in Overbaugh laboratory.

Washington State Department of Health (DOH)

Barbra Richardson

Work on WA DOH COVID-19 Modeling team that reports to Governor Inslee weekly for COVID-19 numbers updates.

Gilead Sciences

Barbra Richardson

Serve on DSMB for clinical trials being conducted by Gilead.


Keshet Ronen

mPACT - pilot a mHealth framework that uses a combination of group peer support and one-to-one communication with a healthcare provider specifically trained in youth HIV care

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Keshet Ronen

Mobile WACh X - RCT comparing 1-way SMS vs 2-way SMS vs control to improve virologic suppression in HIV-infected peripartum women

Kenyatta National Hospital

Keshet Ronen

mPACT - pilot a mHealth framework that uses a combination of group peer support and one-to-one communication with a healthcare provider specifically trained in youth HIV care

Kenyatta National Hospital

Keshet Ronen

CHV-NEO - develop a SMS-based intervention remotely connects mothers with community health volunteers; evaluate effect on outcomes when implemented as part of routine CHV workflow in Kenya

Somali Health Board

Keshet Ronen

- PHI-funded project on access to testing in the Somali community.

Somali Health Board

Keshet Ronen

- evaluation of SHB vaccination strategy.

Somali Health Board

Keshet Ronen

PHI Equity - understand barriers to COVID-19 in the Somali community and identify approaches to improve health equity in King County's testing strategy

Technology & Adolescent Mental Wellness

Keshet Ronen

IMAGINE - developing a social-media based group counseling intervention to prevent perinatal depression in adolescents

Washington State Department of Health (DOH)

Margaret Rosenfeld

Liaison to state newborn screening lab for cystic fibrosis newborn screening

Washington State Department of Health (DOH)

Refugee Women's Alliance

Marla Salmon

Doctoral student major projects

Refugee Women's Alliance

Marla Salmon

Clinical undergraduate and graduate experiences

Chinese Information and Service Center

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Steve Schwartz

Cancer Surveillance System (CSS): This is a population-based cancer registry that permits researchers and public health professionals to understand cancer incidence and survival in our region.

Washington State Labor and Industries

Jeanne M Sears

Comparative Effectiveness of Two State Payer Strategies to Prevent Unsafe Opioid Prescribing; Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) UOP-2017C2-8509; PI: Franklin

Jaramogi Oginga Odinga Teaching & Research Hospital

Ana Lucia Seminario

Dynamics of HIV-infection, Oral Innate Immunity and The Development of Oral Diseases in Children

Front and Centered

Edmund Seto

Development of the WA Environmental Health Disparities Map

Front and Centered

Edmund Seto

Population Health Initiative Grant to examine the role of CBOs as public health partners during the COVID-19 pandemic

Public Health - Seattle & King County

Edmund Seto

King County-specific evaluation of the WA Environmental Health Disparities Map

Washington State Department of Health (DOH)

Edmund Seto

Development of the WA Environmental Health Disparities Map

Washington State Department of Ecology

Edmund Seto

Development of the WA Environmental Health Disparities Map

Puget Sound Clean Air Agency

Edmund Seto

Development of the WA Environmental Health Disparities Map

Casa Familiar

Edmund Seto

California Air Resources Board AB617 Community to Community Training in establishing community air monitoring networks

Sichuan Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Edmund Seto

Traffic related air pollution exposures and health effects

Got Green

Edmund Seto

Capacity building to use WA Environmental Health Disparities Map to consider climate vulnerability for communities of color

Family AIDS Care and Education Services (FACES)

Monisha Sharma

Designing a combination intervention strategy to improve pediatric viral suppression in Kenya

Washington Farmland Trust

Yona Sipos

Undergraduate Food Systems, Nutrition and Health Capstone course

Danny Woo Community Garden

Yona Sipos

Undergraduate Food Systems, Nutrition and Health Capstone course

City of Seattle Farm to Preschool program

Yona Sipos

Undergraduate Food Systems, Nutrition and Health Capstone course

Soil Health Justice Initiative

Yona Sipos

Undergraduate Food Systems, Nutrition and Health Capstone course

Black Farmers Collective

Yona Sipos

Undergraduate Food Systems, Nutrition and Health Capstone course

City of Seattle Office of Sustainability & Environment

Yona Sipos

Undergraduate Food Systems, Nutrition and Health Capstone course

Tilth Alliance

Yona Sipos

Undergraduate Food Systems, Nutrition and Health Capstone course

Viva Farms

Yona Sipos

Undergraduate Food Systems, Nutrition and Health Capstone course

Christian Health Association of Kenya

Jennifer A. Slyker

DART - to survey treatment outcomes in HIV-infected children, and to conduct an in-depth analysis of child and caregiver barriers and facilitators to better treatment outcomes.

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Jennifer A. Slyker

Linda Kizazi/Virome - characterize determinations of mother-to-child virome transmission and how it affects infant health

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Jennifer A. Slyker

PUSH-CMV - Determine the impact of CMV viremia on mortality and duration of hospital stay, response to ART initiation, and immune activation and inflammation

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Olusegun O. Soge

Neisseria gonorrhoeae AMR surveillance for timely monitoring of susceptibility trends of gonococcal isolates across the US, and to guide selection of effective gonorrhea therapies

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Olusegun O. Soge

ELC Strengthening US Response to Resistant Gonorrhea (SURRG) to rapidly respond and reduce the threat of antibiotic resistant Neisseria gonorrhoeae in Washington State

Association of Public Health Laboratories

Olusegun O. Soge

Determine the acceptable variability of gentamicin MICs by agar dilution and disk diffusion of N. gonorrhoeae QC strains for CLSI gentamicin QC ranges for N. gonorrhoeae

SpeeDx Inc.

Olusegun O. Soge

Resistance guided therapy, a novel diagnostic-therapeutic algorithm, which uses molecular testing to determine ciprofloxacin susceptibility at the same time as diagnostic testing, allowing individualized gonorrhea treatment.

Hologic Inc.

Olusegun O. Soge

Perform validation of the Hologic Analyte Specific Reagents for the detection of Mycoplasma genitalium macrolide resistance-associated mutations in support of the first M. genitalium surveillance in the US (MyGeniUS)

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Andy Stergachis

Ad hoc advisor: vaccine safety

Public Health - Seattle & King County

World Health Organization


Andy Stergachis

Pregnancy Exposure Registry Landscape Technical Working Group

United States Agency for International Development (USAID)

Andy Stergachis

The Medicines, Technologies, and Pharmaceutical Services (MTaPS) Program

National Academy of Medicine

Andy Stergachis

1. Member, Committee to Review Relevant Literature Regarding Adverse Events Associated with Vaccines

Partnership for Quality Medical Donations

The Max Foundation

Andy Stergachis

Strategic Innovation Advisory Board

Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovation (CEPI)

Andy Stergachis

Safety Platform for Emergency Vaccines (SPEAC)

Management Sciences for Health

Andy Stergachis

The Medicines, Technologies, and Pharmaceutical Services (MTaPS) Program

United States Pharmacopeia

Andy Stergachis

Promoting Quality Medicines Plus (PQM+)

National Institutes of Health

Public Health - Seattle & King County

Alzheimer's Association

Anne M Turner

Decision making and Alzheimer's Disease Research project

Washington State Department of Health (DOH)

Anne M Turner

WHAM Arthritis project disseminating the PT-Refer toolkit developed through HPRC

Rural health departments in Northwest

Anne M Turner

SHARE-NW project improving use of data to identify and track health disparities

Washington State Department of Health (DOH)

Rachel A Umoren

Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders (PMAD)

Overdose Prevention Society

Jenna van Draanen

1. A participatory approach to implementing peer-run inhalation overdose prevention services

Overdose Prevention Society

Jenna van Draanen

2. Stories from the trenches: a community-led knowledge translation project

Public Health - Seattle & King County

Jenna van Draanen

School Based Health Center Evaluation

Public Health - Seattle & King County

Jenna van Draanen

Adapting evidence-based interventions from clinical medicine to the first responder system: Using co-design to center lived experience

Texas Biomedical Research Institute

Ashley M. Vaughan

Plasmodium falciparum drug fitness and Plasmodium vivax hypnozoite biology


Ashley M. Vaughan

Creating recombinant genetically attenuated Plasmodium falciparum parasites as vaccines

Comité de Saœde para Moçambique

Brad Wagenaar

Systems Analysis and Improvement for Mental Health

Ministry of Health, Mozambique

Brad Wagenaar

Systems Analysis and Improvement for Mental Health

UMMEED Child Development Center

Brad Wagenaar

Promoting Nurturing Care - Trial of GMCD

Maya Health Alliance

Brad Wagenaar

Promoting Nurturing Care - Trial of GMCD

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Anjuli Wagner

HOPE - leverage team experience to comprehensively understand burden, mechanism, and outcomes in HEU; engaging stakeholders to enhance HEU management programmatically based on findings

Kenyatta National Hospital

Anjuli Wagner

WhatsApp focus groups and respondent-driven sampling: novel approaches to engage diverse adolescents

Kenyatta National Hospital

Anjuli Wagner

PrEPARE - seeks to identify ways to improve efficiency of PrEP integration within MCH clinics

Amsterdam University Medical Center

Judd L Walson

CHAIN-MITS - understanding cause of death of children who died while enrolled in CHAIN; qualitative research to understand cultural acceptance of minimally invasive tissue sampling (MITS) in Malawi

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Judd L Walson

DeWorm3 - series of cluster trials to develop and test strategies to interrupt parasitic worms on a large scale

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Judd L Walson

CHAIN Network - multi-site cohort study to identify clinical, social and behavioral characteristics of children under 2 at risk of death during and after hospitalization (6 months follow up)

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Judd L Walson

CHAIN COVID - surveilling cases of SARS-CoV-2 in LMICs from CHAIN Network sites

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Judd L Walson

CHAIN-MITS - understanding cause of death of children who died while enrolled in CHAIN; qualitative research to understand cultural acceptance of minimally invasive tissue sampling (MITS) in Malawi

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Judd L Walson

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation research support from the Strategic Analysis, Research & Training Center

Kenya Medical Research Institute

Judd L Walson

Toto Bora - RCT evaluating whether a 5-day course of azithromycin administered at hospital discharge reduces post-discharge mortality and morbidity among children 1-59 months old

Blantyre Institute for Community Outreach

Judd L Walson

DeWorm3 - series of cluster trials to develop and test strategies to interrupt parasitic worms on a large scale

Centre de Lutte Intégrée contre le Paludisme

Judd L Walson

DeWorm3 - series of cluster trials to develop and test strategies to interrupt parasitic worms on a large scale


Judd L Walson

CHAIN Network - multi-site cohort study to identify clinical, social and behavioral characteristics of children under 2 at risk of death during and after hospitalization (6 months follow up)

Imperial College London

Judd L Walson

DeWorm3 - series of cluster trials to develop and test strategies to interrupt parasitic worms on a large scale

Christian Medical College, Vellore

Judd L Walson

DeWorm3 - series of cluster trials to develop and test strategies to interrupt parasitic worms on a large scale

Institut de Recherche Clinique du Bénin

Judd L Walson

DeWorm3 - series of cluster trials to develop and test strategies to interrupt parasitic worms on a large scale


Judd L Walson

DeWorm3 - series of cluster trials to develop and test strategies to interrupt parasitic worms on a large scale

International Livestock Research Institute

Judd L Walson

SEEMS-Nutrition - initiative to improve and standardize information on costs and benefits of scaling up multisectoral food systems strategies

The Hospital for Sick Children

Judd L Walson

CHAIN Network - multi-site cohort study to identify clinical, social and behavioral characteristics of children under 2 at risk of death during and after hospitalization (6 months follow up)


Judd L Walson

DeWorm3 - series of cluster trials to develop and test strategies to interrupt parasitic worms on a large scale

Smith College

Judd L Walson

DeWorm3 - series of cluster trials to develop and test strategies to interrupt parasitic worms on a large scale

Institut de Recherche pour le Développement

Judd L Walson

DeWorm3 - series of cluster trials to develop and test strategies to interrupt parasitic worms on a large scale

Institut de Salut Global Barcelona

Judd L Walson

CHAIN-MITS - understanding cause of death of children who died while enrolled in CHAIN; qualitative research to understand cultural acceptance of minimally invasive tissue sampling (MITS) in Malawi

KEMRI-Wellcome Trust

Judd L Walson

CHAIN Network - multi-site cohort study to identify clinical, social and behavioral characteristics of children under 2 at risk of death during and after hospitalization (6 months follow up)

Washington Research Foundation

Judd L Walson

Washington Research Foundation Program Evaluation with the Strategic Analysis, Research & Training Center

Boston Scientific

Judd L Walson

Boston Scientific Close the Gap research support from the Strategic Analysis, Research & Training Center

Uganda Heart Institute

David Watkins

American Heart Association Strategically Focused Research Network

Ministry of Health, Malawi

David Watkins

Bergen Center for Ethics and Priority Setting - Malawi project

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Bryan Weiner

Coordinating Center for Population-based Research to Optimize the Screening Process

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Bryan Weiner

Optimizing Implementation in Cancer Control: OPTICC

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Bryan Weiner

Tailoring Shared Decision Making for Lung Cancer Screening in Persons living with HIV (PLHIV)

Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute

Bryan Weiner

Optimizing Implementation in Cancer Control: OPTICC

Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute

Bryan Weiner

Optimizing Evidence-Based Practice Implementation for Clinical Impact: the IMPACT Center

Somali Health Board

Kate West

Mixed-methods study of COVID-19 testing access in the Somali community in King County.

Somali Health Board

Kate West

Program evaluation of Somali Health Board's COVID-19 vaccination program.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Rachel L. Winer

Epidemiology and Laboratory Capacity for Infectious Diseases (ELC) Cooperative Agreement: Project V: Surveillance for Anal Human Papillomavirus among Men

Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute

Rachel L. Winer

Self-Testing Options in the Era of Primary HPV Screening for Cervical Cancer: the STEP Trial (NCI-funded R01 clinical trial)

Public Health - Seattle & King County

Rachel L. Winer

Epidemiology and Laboratory Capacity for Infectious Diseases (ELC) Cooperative Agreement: Project V: Surveillance for Anal Human Papillomavirus among Men

Washington State Department of Health (DOH)

Rachel L. Winer

Epidemiology and Laboratory Capacity for Infectious Diseases (ELC) Cooperative Agreement: Project V: Surveillance for Anal Human Papillomavirus among Men

Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Research

Rachel L. Winer

Self-Testing Options in the Era of Primary HPV Screening for Cervical Cancer: the STEP Trial (NCI-funded R01 clinical trial)

M Health Fairview Clinic - Smiley's

Rachel L. Winer

Reducing cervical cancer screening disparities in Somali immigrant women through a primary care based HPV self-sampling intervention (NCI-funded R01)

People's Center Clinics and Services

Rachel L. Winer

Reducing cervical cancer screening disparities in Somali immigrant women through a primary care based HPV self-sampling intervention (NCI-funded R01)

Community-University Health Care Center

Rachel L. Winer

Reducing cervical cancer screening disparities in Somali immigrant women through a primary care based HPV self-sampling intervention (NCI-funded R01)

United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service (PNW Research Station)

Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics

Wits Reproductive Health and HIV Institute

Jen Balkus

No active projects with organization

Public Health - Seattle & King County

Caleb J. Banta-Green

No active projects with organization

Kenya Medical Research Institute

Ruanne Barnabas

No active projects with organization

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Maneesh Batra

No active projects with organization

Kenya Medical Research Institute

Maneesh Batra

No active projects with organization

Kenyatta National Hospital

Maneesh Batra

No active projects with organization

King County Sexual Assault Resource Center (KCSARC)

Clackamas County Public Health

Betty Bekemeier

No active projects with organization

Philippines Department of Health

Ian M Bennett

No active projects with organization

The Nature Conservancy

Gregory Bratman

No active projects with organization

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Elizabeth Bukusi

No active projects with organization

amref international university

Elizabeth Bukusi

No active projects with organization

Maseno university

Elizabeth Bukusi

No active projects with organization

Public Health - Seattle & King County

Thomas Burbacher

No active projects with organization

Duwamish River Cleanup Coalition/Technical Advisory Group (DRCC/TAG)

Juntos Podemos Cuidar Nuestros Rio Duwamish

Just Health Action

Thomas Burbacher

No active projects with organization

Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Region 10

Northwest Toxic Communities Coalition

Thomas Burbacher

No active projects with organization

Washington State Department of Ecology

Thomas Burbacher

No active projects with organization

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Jerry Cangelosi

No active projects with organization

Public Health - Seattle & King County

Jerry Cangelosi

No active projects with organization


Jerry Cangelosi

No active projects with organization

FIND Diagnostics

Jerry Cangelosi

No active projects with organization

Global Health Labs

Jerry Cangelosi

No active projects with organization

Copan Italia

Jerry Cangelosi

No active projects with organization

UnitedHealth Group

Jerry Cangelosi

No active projects with organization

South African Tuberculosis Vaccine Initiative

Ospedale San Raffaele

Jerry Cangelosi

No active projects with organization

California Department of Public Health

Joan Casey

No active projects with organization

PSE Healthy Energy

Joan Casey

No active projects with organization


Pia Chaparro

No active projects with organization

The Pantry

Pia Chaparro

No active projects with organization

Public Health Foundation Enterprises (PHFE) WIC

Washington State Labor and Industries

Debbie Cherry

No active projects with organization

Kindred Hospital

Jim Condon

No active projects with organization

Evergreen Health Medical Center

Jim Condon

No active projects with organization

Virginia Mason Franciscan Health

Jim Condon

No active projects with organization

Overlake Hospital Medical Center

Jim Condon

No active projects with organization

Evergreen Treatment Services

Jim Condon

No active projects with organization

Providence Regional Medical Center Everett

Jim Condon

No active projects with organization

UW Medicine

Jim Condon

No active projects with organization

Monroe Correctional Complex

Jim Condon

No active projects with organization

VU Amsterdam

Paul K Crane

No active projects with organization

Allen Brain Institute

Paul K Crane

No active projects with organization

United States Environmental Protection Agency - Science Advisory Board

United States Forest Service - Rocky Mountain Research Station

Public Health - Seattle & King County

Sara Curran

No active projects with organization

King County Auditors Office

Sara Curran

No active projects with organization

WA Office of Financial Management

Sara Curran

No active projects with organization

Washington Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics

American Heart Association

Ian H. De Boer

No active projects with organization

American Diabetes Association

Ian H. De Boer

No active projects with organization

American Society of Nephrology

Ian H. De Boer

No active projects with organization

Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF)

Ian H. De Boer

No active projects with organization


Ian H. De Boer

No active projects with organization

Northwest Healthcare Response Network

Douglas S. Diekema

No active projects with organization

Kenyatta National Hospital

McKenna Eastment

No active projects with organization

Ministry of Health, Kenya

McKenna Eastment

No active projects with organization

Mombasa County Department of Health

McKenna Eastment

No active projects with organization

Seattle Children's Hospital

Yolanda Evans

No active projects with organization

Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium

Yolanda Evans

No active projects with organization

Public Health - Seattle & King County

Stephanie Farquhar

No active projects with organization

Kaiser Permanente Northern California Division of Research

Kijabe Hospital

Rochelle L Garcia

No active projects with organization

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Peter B Gilbert

No active projects with organization

World Health Organization

Peter B Gilbert

No active projects with organization

Ministry of Health, Mozambique

Sarah Gimbel

No active projects with organization

LVCT Health

Susan M. Graham

No active projects with organization

Heidi Berthoud Consulting

Janessa Graves

No active projects with organization

Whitman County Public Health

Janessa Graves

No active projects with organization

The Rural Network

Janessa Graves

No active projects with organization

The Rural Alliance

Janessa Graves

No active projects with organization

Washington Rural Health Association

Janessa Graves

No active projects with organization

Washington Poison Center

Janessa Graves

No active projects with organization

Society for Integrative Oncology

Heather Greenlee

No active projects with organization

Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute

Mental Health America

Kevin A Hallgren

No active projects with organization

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Peggy Hannon

No active projects with organization

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Stephen E. Hawes

No active projects with organization

United States Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)

King County Regional Homelessness Authority

Paul L Hebert

No active projects with organization


Anna Hedstrom

No active projects with organization

American Academy of Pediatrics

Anna Hedstrom

No active projects with organization

Adara Development

Anna Hedstrom

No active projects with organization


Heather B Jaspan

No active projects with organization

Seattle Children's Hospital

Brian D. Johnston

No active projects with organization

Kenyatta National Hospital

Catherine Karr

No active projects with organization

Washington State Department of Health (DOH)

Catherine Karr

No active projects with organization

Idaho Department of Health and Welfare

Catherine Karr

No active projects with organization

American Academy of Pediatrics

Catherine Karr

No active projects with organization

Yakima Valley Farm Workers Clinic

Catherine Karr

No active projects with organization

Radio KDNA 91.9 FM

Catherine Karr

No active projects with organization

Agricultural Leadership Program

Eddie Kasner

No active projects with organization

Proyecto Bienestar

Eddie Kasner

No active projects with organization

Kidney Research Institute

Ed Kelly

No active projects with organization

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Hepatitis Education Project

H. Nina Kim

No active projects with organization

Hepatitis B Foundation

H. Nina Kim

No active projects with organization

Erasmus Medical Center

David Koelle

No active projects with organization

Monash University

David Koelle

No active projects with organization


David Koelle

No active projects with organization

University of Colorado

David Koelle

No active projects with organization

Kenyatta National Hospital

Pamela Kohler

No active projects with organization

Washington State Department of Health (DOH)

Pamela Kohler

No active projects with organization

Washington State Health Care Authority

Pamela Kohler

No active projects with organization

Tanzania Health Promotion Support

Pamela Kohler

No active projects with organization

KEMRI Center for Respiratory Diseases Research (CRDR)

Seattle Children's Hospital

Amalia Meier Magaret

No active projects with organization


Lloyd Mancl

No active projects with organization

Kenyatta National Hospital

Sarah Masyuko

No active projects with organization

World Health Organization

Sarah Masyuko

No active projects with organization

Ministry of Health, Kenya

Sarah Masyuko

No active projects with organization

City of Seattle

Steve Mooney

No active projects with organization

Sea Mar Community Health Centers

Leo Morales

No active projects with organization

Yakima Valley Farm Workers Clinic

Leo Morales

No active projects with organization

Allen Institute for Immunology

Leo Morales

No active projects with organization

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Jonathan F Mosser

No active projects with organization

World Health Organization

Jonathan F Mosser

No active projects with organization


Jonathan F Mosser

No active projects with organization

Duwamish River Cleanup Coalition/Technical Advisory Group (DRCC/TAG)

Department of Health and Wellness

Ferdinand Mukumbang

No active projects with organization

Malawi AIDS Counselling and Resource Organization

Marys Place family shelter - Regrade site

Thoracic Surgery Foundation

Jay Pal

No active projects with organization

Edwards Foundation

Jay Pal

No active projects with organization

Jayanti Memorial Trust

Jay Pal

No active projects with organization

Nepal Youth Foundation

Jay Pal

No active projects with organization

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Washington State Dairy Federation

Peter Rabinowitz

No active projects with organization

Research Triangle Institute (RTI) International


Peter Rabinowitz

No active projects with organization

Africa Health Research Institute

Peter Rabinowitz

No active projects with organization

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)


Peter Rabinowitz

No active projects with organization


Peter Rabinowitz

No active projects with organization


Peter Rabinowitz

No active projects with organization

Institut de Recherche en Santé de Surveillance Epidemiologique et de Formation

National Institute for Occupational Safety & Health (NIOSH)

National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)

SeaDoc Society

Peter Rabinowitz

No active projects with organization

Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Alexander Reiner

No active projects with organization

Rainbow Center

David Reyes

No active projects with organization

Public Health - Seattle & King County

Ali Rowhani-Rahbar

No active projects with organization

Washington State Department of Health (DOH)

Grandmothers Against Gun Violence

Ali Rowhani-Rahbar

No active projects with organization

King County Prosecuting Attorney Office

Ali Rowhani-Rahbar

No active projects with organization

WA Administrative Office of the Courts

Ali Rowhani-Rahbar

No active projects with organization

Washington State Patrol

Ali Rowhani-Rahbar

No active projects with organization

Washington State Health Care Authority

Ali Rowhani-Rahbar

No active projects with organization

Onpoint Health Data

Ali Rowhani-Rahbar

No active projects with organization

WA Office of Financial Management

Ali Rowhani-Rahbar

No active projects with organization

State of California Department of Justice

California's Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development


Ali Rowhani-Rahbar

No active projects with organization

Public Health - Seattle & King County

Amber K Sabbatini

No active projects with organization

Providence Health System

Amber K Sabbatini

No active projects with organization

Institute for Work and Health

Jeanne M Sears

No active projects with organization

Council for State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE)

Duwamish River Cleanup Coalition

Edmund Seto

No active projects with organization

Citizens of Ebey's Reserve

Edmund Seto

No active projects with organization

Quiet Skies Over San Juan County

Edmund Seto

No active projects with organization

VA Puget Sound Health Care System

Javeed A Shah

No active projects with organization

Oxford University Clinical Research Unit

Javeed A Shah

No active projects with organization

The Leprosy Mission

Javeed A Shah

No active projects with organization

Seattle Children's Hospital

Susan Shenoi

No active projects with organization

Comité de Saœde para Moçambique

Kenneth Sherr

No active projects with organization

Ministry of Health, Mozambique

Kenneth Sherr

No active projects with organization

National Institutes of Health (Instituto Nacional de Saude) in Mozambique

The Cannabis Alliance

Christopher Simpson

No active projects with organization

Asian Counseling and Referral Service

Michael Spencer

No active projects with organization

Public Health - Seattle & King County

Clarence Spigner

No active projects with organization

The Northwest Kidney Foundation

Clarence Spigner

No active projects with organization

The Tobacco Coalition

Clarence Spigner

No active projects with organization

The Correctional Facility of Sex Offenders

Clarence Spigner

No active projects with organization

Sea Mar Community Health Centers

Clarence Spigner

No active projects with organization

International Community Health Services

Clarence Spigner

No active projects with organization

Gay City Health Project

Joanne D. Stekler

No active projects with organization

Swedish Health Services

Joanne D. Stekler

No active projects with organization

Seattle Public Schools

Pooja Tandon

No active projects with organization

Washington Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics

American Academy of Pediatrics

Pooja Tandon

No active projects with organization

The Trust for Public Land

Pooja Tandon

No active projects with organization

Tacoma Public Schools

Pooja Tandon

No active projects with organization

King County Play Equity Coalition

Pooja Tandon

No active projects with organization

BestStart Washington

Pooja Tandon

No active projects with organization

Kenya Medical Research Institute

Kirk Tickell

No active projects with organization


Kirk Tickell

No active projects with organization

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

United States Agency for International Development (USAID)

VA Puget Sound Health Care System

Logan Trenaman

No active projects with organization

University Health Sciences

Hubert Vesselle

No active projects with organization

Beira Central Hospital

Brad Wagenaar

No active projects with organization

Natural History Museum, London

Judd L Walson

No active projects with organization

VA Puget Sound Health Care System

Luke Wander

No active projects with organization

Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute

United States Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)

Somali Health Board

Rachel L. Winer

No active projects with organization

Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute

Foundation for Health Care Quality

Edwin S. Wong

No active projects with organization

Washington State Health Care Authority

Edwin S. Wong

No active projects with organization

Washington State Department of Health (DOH)

Michael G Yost

No active projects with organization

Washington State Labor and Industries

Michael G Yost

No active projects with organization

Puget Sound Clean Air Agency

Michael G Yost

No active projects with organization

Washington State Medical Association

Michael G Yost

No active projects with organization

National Institute for Occupational Safety & Health (NIOSH)

Soundview International School

Rabi Yunusa

No active projects with organization

TAWA Health Services

Rabi Yunusa

No active projects with organization

Seattle Children's Research Institute

Chuan Zhou

No active projects with organization

Duwamish River Cleanup Coalition/Technical Advisory Group (DRCC/TAG)

Anjum Hajat

Action towards health equity and improved air quality in the Duwamish Valley: A multilevel asthma intervention

Just Health Action

Anjum Hajat

Action towards health equity and improved air quality in the Duwamish Valley: A multilevel asthma intervention

Public Health - Seattle & King County

Christine M Khosropour

Ongoing relationship with the PHSKC HIV/STD program to conduct program evaluations using sexual health clinic data and contribute to ongoing surveillance reports

Centro San Vicente

Christine M Khosropour

UW performs data management, data QA/QC, and evaluation Centro San Vicente's PrEP program

Mississippi State Department of Health

Christine M Khosropour

UW works with MSDH to develop their annual HIV surveillance report. We also serve as a consultant on their outbreak and response committee

Cathy J Berry and Associates

Christine M Khosropour

Co-develop clinical PrEP protocol and conduct mixed-methods evaluation of PrEP implementation

Seattle King County Hazardous Waste Program

Public Health – Seattle & King County

Diana Ceballos

Developing a Mobile Method for Screening PFAS in Consumer Products

Antigen Discovery Inc

Lorenzo Giacani

Elucidation of the huoral response to T.pallidum

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Sharon Laing

Our research team proposes to assess burnout occurrence among healthcare professionals at local community health centers and to support clinics to identify evidence-based interventions to minimize burnout occurrence.

Community Health Center of Snohomish County

Sharon Laing

Our research team proposes to assess burnout occurrence among healthcare professionals at local community health centers and to support clinics to identify evidence-based interventions to minimize burnout occurrence.

National Institute on Aging

Debby W. Tsuang

Using Veteran Health Administration electronic health records to improve phenotyping of Alzheimer's disease and related disorders in older Veterans

National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke

Debby W. Tsuang

Dementia with Lewy Body Consortium aims to collect biofluids and clinical assessments on persons with Lewy body dementia across the United States

Comité de Saœde para Moçambique

Brad Wagenaar

Empowering Women, Adolescent, and Youth with a Multilevel Mental Health Initiative in Mozambique (EMPOWER-MH)

Comité de Saœde para Moçambique

Brad Wagenaar

Safety Planning and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Adolescent Suicide Prevention in Mozambique: A Hybrid Effectiveness/Implementation Cluster Randomized Trial

Ministry of Health, Mozambique

Brad Wagenaar

Empowering Women, Adolescent, and Youth with a Multilevel Mental Health Initiative in Mozambique (EMPOWER-MH)

Ministry of Health, Mozambique

Brad Wagenaar

Safety Planning and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Adolescent Suicide Prevention in Mozambique: A Hybrid Effectiveness/Implementation Cluster Randomized Trial

Kaiser Permanente Southern California

Joan Casey

NIH-funded study of short and long-term consequences of wildfires for Alzheimer's disease and related dementias

Sutter Health

Joan Casey

Policy evaluation of SB27, which required a vet prescription to provide antibiotics to livestock, on risk of human antimicrobial-resistant UTI

Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board

Tyler Watson

Washington State Healthy Youth Survey

Fred Hutch Cancer Center

Jim Condon

Research and Comparison of Workflow of Other Organizations for Placing External Orders; Explore Opportunities for AI Integration in the Workflow of Placing External Orders

UW Autism Center

Jim Condon

No active projects with organization

Skagit Regional Health

Jim Condon

No active projects with organization

UW Medicine Records and Information Governance

Jim Condon

Design and Plan a New Electronic Format Records Management Control File

UW Medicine Records and Information Governance

Jim Condon

Assess the Collection of Patient Records on Microfilm and Microfiche

Washington Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics

Yolanda Evans

Board of Trustees, Committee membership

American Academy of Pediatrics

Yolanda Evans

Spokesperson, membership, executive council participation

JAMA Network

American Association of University Professors

American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)

Asian Counseling and Referral Service

Centre for Health and Social Justice

Center for Health Innovation and Policy Science (CHIPS)

College Possible

Amy Hagopian

Student projects

Seattle Displacement Coalition

Downtown Emergency Services Center

Economic Opportunity Institute

Garfield High School

Global Alliance on War, Conflict and Health

Hanford Challenge

Heart of America Northwest

Hepatitis Education Project

Housing Connector

Iraqi Arab Health Board

Jewish Voice for Peace

Martin Luther King. Jr. County Labor Council

Kitsap Strong

Amy Hagopian

Student projects

Neighborcare Health


Amy Hagopian

Student projects

No New Youth Jail

Northwest Abortion Access Fund

Northwest Health Law Advocates

Northwest Teachers for Social Justice


Amy Hagopian

Student projects

Washington Physicians for Social Responsibility

Planned Parenthood

VA Puget Sound Health Care System

Q Card Project

Amy Hagopian

Student projects


Amy Hagopian

Student projects

ROOTS Young Adult Shelter

Social Equity Educators

Seattle/King County Coalition on Homelessness

Service Employees International Union (SEIU) 775


Amy Hagopian

Student projects

Somali Health Board

Tent City Collective

Transit Riders Union


Amy Hagopian

Student projects

Washington Budget & Policy Center

Washington State Labor Education & Research Center


Amy Hagopian

Student projects

Yemen Relief and Reconstruction Foundation

Straight Talk Foundation

Safeguarding Health in Conflict coalition

Washington Research Foundation

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Public Health - Seattle & King County

Auburn School District

Anne E Lund

Practicum and fieldwork placements (for Nutrition student only)

Seattle Children's Hospital

Anne E Lund

Practicum and fieldwork placements (for Nutrition student only)

Washington State Department of Health (DOH)

Anne E Lund

Practicum and fieldwork placements (for Nutrition student only)

Childhood Obesity Prevention Coalition

Anne E Lund

Practicum and fieldwork placements (for Nutrition student only)

Compass Group

Anne E Lund

Practicum and fieldwork placements (for Nutrition student only)

Highline Public Schools

Anne E Lund

Practicum and fieldwork placements (for Nutrition student only)

Country Doctor Community Health Centers

Anne E Lund

Practicum and fieldwork placements (for Nutrition student only)


Anne E Lund

Practicum and fieldwork placements (for Nutrition student only)


Anne E Lund

Practicum and fieldwork placements (for Nutrition student only)

Eating Recovery Center

Anne E Lund

Practicum and fieldwork placements (for Nutrition student only)

Seattle Indian Health Board

Anne E Lund

Practicum and fieldwork placements (for Nutrition student only)

King County Employee Health & Well-being

Anne E Lund

Practicum and fieldwork placements (for Nutrition student only)

Meals on Wheels America

Anne E Lund

Practicum and fieldwork placements (for Nutrition student only)

Mind Body Nutrition, PLLC

Anne E Lund

Practicum and fieldwork placements (for Nutrition student only)

Neighborcare Health at Rainier Beach

Anne E Lund

Practicum and fieldwork placements (for Nutrition student only)

Nutrition in Action

Anne E Lund

Practicum and fieldwork placements (for Nutrition student only)

North Sound Nourishment and Recovery

Anne E Lund

Practicum and fieldwork placements (for Nutrition student only)

Odessa Brown Children's Clinic (OBCC)

Anne E Lund

Practicum and fieldwork placements (for Nutrition student only)

Providence Hospital & Medical Center

Anne E Lund

Practicum and fieldwork placements (for Nutrition student only)

Seattle Cancer Care Alliance

Anne E Lund

Practicum and fieldwork placements (for Nutrition student only)

Special Olympics Washington

Anne E Lund

Practicum and fieldwork placements (for Nutrition student only)

The Emily Program

Anne E Lund

Practicum and fieldwork placements (for Nutrition student only)

The Northwest School

Anne E Lund

Practicum and fieldwork placements (for Nutrition student only)

U-District Food Bank

Anne E Lund

Practicum and fieldwork placements (for Nutrition student only)

Valley Medical Center

Anne E Lund

Practicum and fieldwork placements (for Nutrition student only)

United States Agency for International Development (USAID)

Public Health - Seattle & King County

Jeff Sconyers

Student health policy research projects

Washington State Hospital Association

Jeff Sconyers

Student health policy research projects

Washington Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics

Jeff Sconyers

Student health policy research projects

The Robert Bree Collaborative

Jeff Sconyers

Student health policy research projects

Foundation for Health Care Quality

Jeff Sconyers

Student health policy research projects

Washington State Medical Association

Jeff Sconyers

Student health policy research projects

Washington Patient Safety Coalition

Jeff Sconyers

Student health policy research projects

Association of Washington Healthcare Plans (AWHP)

Jeff Sconyers

Student health policy research projects

Washington Global Health Alliance

Consortium of Universities for Global Health

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Public Health - Seattle & King County

Washington State Department of Health (DOH)

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Kenneth Stuart

No active projects with organization

National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)


Kenneth Stuart

No active projects with organization

Allen Institute for Immunology

Kenneth Stuart

No active projects with organization

Sage Bionetworks

Joon-Ho Yu

Community Health Interests for Researchers & Oversight Networks (CHIRON)

Korean Community Service Center (KCSC)

Joon-Ho Yu

Korean American Community Safety Survey

Korean Community Service Center (KCSC)

Korean Community Service Center (KCSC)

Joon-Ho Yu

Stepping Stones Parenting Program

Asian Pacific Islander Coalition Advocating Together for Health (APICAT)

Multnomah County Health Department

Resham Patel

Collaborative on Extreme Heat Events convenes public health agencies serving the Seattle, Portland and Vancouver, BC metropolitan areas to share and co-create action and research agendas related to extreme heat.

Public Health – Seattle & King County

Resham Patel

Collaborative on Extreme Heat Events convenes public health agencies serving the Seattle, Portland and Vancouver, BC metropolitan areas to share and co-create action and research agendas related to extreme heat.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Kristin M Beima-Sofie

DART - to survey treatment outcomes in HIV-infected children, and to conduct an in-depth analysis of child and caregiver barriers and facilitators to better treatment outcomes.

Kenyatta National Hospital

Kristin M Beima-Sofie

Developing a data-informed caregiver intervention to improve adolescent HIV 

Kenyatta National Hospital

Kristin M Beima-Sofie

ATTACh - evaluate rates and co-factors of effective transition in HIV treatment programs in Kenya and to adapt, implement, and evaluate an Adolescent Transition Package (ATP)

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Carol Levin

SEEMS-Nutrition - initiative to improve and standardize information on costs and benefits of scaling up multisectoral food systems strategies

Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition

Carol Levin

SEEMS-Nutrition - initiative to improve and standardize information on costs and benefits of scaling up multisectoral food systems strategies

Hellen Keller International

Carol Levin

SEEMS-Nutrition - initiative to improve and standardize information on costs and benefits of scaling up multisectoral food systems strategies

International Food Policy Research Institute

Carol Levin

SEEMS-Nutrition - initiative to improve and standardize information on costs and benefits of scaling up multisectoral food systems strategies

International Food Policy Research Institute

Carol Levin

SEEMS-Nutrition - initiative to improve and standardize information on costs and benefits of scaling up multisectoral food systems strategies

International Livestock Research Institute

Carol Levin

SEEMS-Nutrition - initiative to improve and standardize information on costs and benefits of scaling up multisectoral food systems strategies

Nigerian Institute of Medical Research

Arianna Means

SARMAAN: Reducing child mortality via mass drug administration of azithromycin

El Centro de la Raza

Linda K. Ko

No active projects with organization

Amsterdam University Medical Center

Donna M. Denno

No active projects with organization

Bridges Alternative Peer Group

Alyson Littman

No active projects with organization

Center for Science, Technology, and Policy (CSTEP)

Julian Marshall

Measurement and modeling of air pollution

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Jason A. Mendoza

Office of COE has a variety of projects and programs to engage communities in research and clinical activities


Kristie Ebi

Extend Shared Socioeconomic Pathways for health sector

World Meteorological Organizaton

Kristie Ebi

International heat assessment

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Ana Weil

No active projects with organization

United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Marketing Service

Aiden Irish

This project works with 11 regional food policy councils to identify characteristics of regional food work that support federal regional food/ag development programs.

Mayor's Office of Food Policy

Aiden Irish

This project is modeling the impact of values-based food procurement policies.

Charles Sturt University

Karima Lalani

Generational Health Professional Perceptions about Artificial Intelligence Impact on Clinical Work

African Americans Reach and Teach Health (AARTH)

Entre Hermanos

Susan M. Graham

UW Behavioral Research Center for HIV

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Sarah Benki

DART - to survey treatment outcomes in HIV-infected children, and to conduct an in-depth analysis of child and caregiver barriers and facilitators to better treatment outcomes.

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Sarah Benki

HIV Persistence - provide novel data on reservoir dynamics to inform intervention strategies for improved long-term management and reservoir control in HIV+ children

Research Triangle Institute (RTI) International

Sarah Benki

ABC R01 - focusing on the impact of air pollutants on early developmental outcomes in children

VA Puget Sound Health Care System

Christian Helfrich

No active projects with organization

Snohomish County Health Department

Rabi Yunusa

No active projects with organization

WA State Department of Corrections

Partners in Health

Michele A Bedard-Gilligan

No active projects with organization

Abbott Laboratories

Chicago IL United States

Stephen E. Hawes

Long term consulting with START Center

Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics

Chicago IL United States

Michelle Averill

No active projects with organization

Adara Development

Edmonds WA United States

Anna Hedstrom

No active projects with organization

Aerospace Mfg1

Seattle WA United States

Marty Cohen

Evaluating hexavalent chromium program

Reviewing H&S programs

Provide workplace H&S consultations

Aerospace Mfg2

Seattle WA United States

Marty Cohen

Facility tours, internships, employment opportunities

Africa Health Research Institute

Durban South Africa

Peter Rabinowitz

No active projects with organization

African Americans Reach and Teach Health (AARTH)

Seattle WA United States

Susan M. Graham

UW Behavioral Research Center for HIV

Project Website

Agricultural Leadership Program

Yakima WA United States

Eddie Kasner

No active projects with organization

Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Division of Public Health

Anchorage AK United States

Betty Bekemeier

TA provider for their CDC Infrastructure & Workforce Development grant

Organizational rep serves on our various advisory boards/steering committees

Susan Hemingway

AK and WA established statewide FASD diagnostic clinics using the FASD 4-Digit Code for 20 and 30 years respectively

Project Website

Alaska Marine Safety Education Association

Sitka AK United States

Eddie Kasner

Commercial Fishing Safety Resources and Outreach

Project Website

Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium

Anchorage AK United States

Betty Bekemeier

Organizational rep serves on our various advisory boards/steering committees

Yolanda Evans

No active projects with organization

Allen Brain Institute

Seattle WA United States

Paul K Crane

No active projects with organization

Allen Institute for Immunology

Seattle WA United States

Kenneth Stuart

No active projects with organization

Leo Morales

No active projects with organization

Alzheimer's Association

Chicago IL United States

Basia Belza

Coaching Project