An Advisory Search Committee for each search will generate and review the pool of eligible candidates. At the conclusion of their work, they will send to the Dean the names of at least three highly-qualified candidates, including the reasons for the recommendations. The basic procedures for administrative appointments at the University of Washington are outlined in Executive Order No. 20. In addition, the university and all its schools have a strong commitment to diversity, which will be considered as the committees review candidates.
- Biostatistics Department Chair and Professor with Tenure
- DEOHS Department Chair and Professor with Tenure
BIOSTATISTICS Candidate Campus Visits
The dean’s search advisory committee for the Professor and Chair with Tenure for the department of Biostatistics has invited two candidates to campus. These candidates will visit SPH for interviews and public presentations over the next few weeks.
Faculty, staff and students are invited to attend presentations by each candidate, where they will speak to their vision as chair, vision for biostatistics research and education, and why their background and experience has prepared them for this position.
- Chair Candidate – campus visit February 13 and February 14
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- Chair Candidate – campus visit February 20 and February 21
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DEOHS Candidate Job Talks
The dean’s search advisory committee for the Professor and Chair with Tenure for the department of Environmental and Occupation Health Sciences (DEOHS) has identified four finalists for the position. These candidates will visit SPH for interviews and public presentations over the next few weeks.
Faculty, staff and students are invited to attend presentations by each finalist, where they will discuss their academic/professional career thus far and how it would apply to the role of DEOHS chair; thoughts on the field of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences, and its future; vision for the Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences at SPH and UW; and nationally; Equity, Diversity and Inclusion; and their advocacy for public health education, research, and service.
June Spector, MD, MPH
Karl Linden, PhD, MS
Laurel Kincl, PhD, CSP, MS
Richard Neitzel, PhD, MS, CIH, FAIHA