Our newest leaders have hit the ground running. They join a vibrant team leading school-wide initiatives on strategic planning, a new MPH core curriculum and exploration of new research partnerships.

Jared Baeten, Vice Dean for Strategy, Faculty Affairs and New Initiatives
Baeten is no stranger to developing and implementing a strategic plan, having led the Department of Global Health through this process as vice chair. He is director of the UW/Fred Hutch Center for AIDS Research and co-director of the UW’s International Clinical Research Center. Baeten’s research prowess has led to novel HIV-prevention interventions through the Partners PrEP study and clinical trials.

Carey Farquhar, Vice Dean for Education
Farquhar’s impact as a researcher and mentor reaches far and wide. She is director of the Kenya Research and Training Center; is a renowned expert in HIV prevention, testing and care in sub-Saharan Africa; and directs the NIH/FIC International AIDS Research and Training Program, which has graduated more than 65 Kenyans with degrees from the UW. Farquhar was instrumental in bringing people together to create a new, core curriculum as chair of the School’s MPH Re-envisioning Steering Committee.

Lisa Manhart, Associate Dean for Research
Manhart has been tasked with pursuing new and strategic collaborative research opportunities for the School, which is second only to the School of Medicine in terms of research funding received at the UW in 2019. She has served as director of research for the Department of Epidemiology, has a long track record as an NIH-funded investigator, and serves as a standing member on the NIH Clinical Research and Field Studies of Infectious Diseases study section.

Lurdes Inoue, Chair of Biostatistics
Inoue has been appointed chair of the Department of Biostatistics. She is a third-generation Japanese, born and raised in São Paulo, Brazil, where she grew up with a mix of cultures, and pursued an early love of math. Now she becomes the first woman to chair the department.
Inoue has served as associate chair of the department and director of its graduate program, and led the School’s Curriculum and Education Policy Committee. She is renowned in the field of Bayesian statistical research, and her work has led to a better understanding of the risks of certain cancers.