A roundup of events and news about the Ebola outbreak featuring UW School of Public Health researchers, with links to resources.
SPH in the News about Ebola
A nurse's desperate plea: Show me the Ebola money -- Karin Huster (MPH, Global Health '13)
Taking the upstream approach to Ebola -- Tao Sheng Kwan-Gett, Health Services
Battling Ebola: A view from the front line -- Jeri Sumitani, International Training and Education Center for Health (I-TECH)
Health officials discharge man after he tests negative for Ebola -- Jeff Duchin, Epidemiology
I-TECH training data tool tapped by CDC for Ebola preparedness -- features the International Training and Education Center for Health within the Department of Global Health.
UW Medicine joins state roster of Ebola-prepared hospitals -- Kathy Lofy, Health Services
Why we don't know the real Ebola mortality rate in the U.S. -- Elizabeth Halloran, Biostatistics
U.S. Ebola experience changes thinking about disease -- Jeff Duchin, Epidemiology
Ebola Facts & Fiction -- Highlights of a Seattle Town Hall presentation from Anne Marie Kimball, Epidemiology; Scott Lindquist, Epidemiology; and Karin Huster (MPH, Global Health '13)
UW Ebola preparedness plans reflect changing situation -- Peter Rabinowitz, Enviromental and Occupational Health Sciences; Global Health
Washington prepares for the spread of Ebola -- Scott Lindquist, Epidemiology
Why Ebola aid workers are quarantining themselves when scientists say they don't need to -- Peter Rabinowitz Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences; Global Health
U.S. health care system woefully unprepared for Ebola -- Jeff Duchin, Epidemiology
Bill Foege on how to make Ebola worse -- Bill Foege, Epidemiology
UW software to help health agencies track outbreaks like Ebola -- Neil Abernethy, Health Services
Fighting Ebola, and the mud -- Karin Huster (MPH, Global Health '13)
Seattle nurse trains health workers in Liberia -- Karin Huster (MPH, Global Health '13)
Ebola: Facts Not Fear live chat archive -- Ann Marie Kimball, professor emerita of Epidemiology
Code of conduct would curtail ill effects of NGOs’ help -- James Pfeiffer, professor of Global Health
As Ebola lapses take spotlight in Texas, Seattle nurses say they're unprepared -- Jeff Duchin, Epidemiology
Scarier than Ebola -- New York Times columnist Frank Bruni quotes epidemiologist Jeff Duchin
How the aid and development industry helped cause Africa's Ebola outbreak -- James Pfeiffer, professor of Global Health
A plea for help from the front lines of Ebola -- Karin Huster (MPH, Global Health '13)
Opportunities lost -- could Ebola have been better contained? -- Mary Ann Mercer, senior lecturer of Health Services and Global Health; Scott Barnhart, professor of Global Health; and Amy Hagopian, associate professor of Global Health and Health Services
Ebola virus: how contagious? -- Jeff Duchin, adjunct professor of Epidemiology
Will climate change worsen Ebola outbreaks? -- Kristie Ebi, professor of Global Health and Environmental & Occupational Health Sciences
Seattle scientists seek an Ebola cure -- Michael Gale Jr., adjunct professor of Global Health
Ebola threatens global security -- William Foege, affiliate professor of Epidemiology
Resources about Ebola
What you need to know about Ebola - short video with Jeff Duchin of Public Health - Seattle & King County.
What is Ebola? – Washington State Department of Health
Questions and Answers on Ebola – US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Ebola facts and resources - Public Health - Seattle & King County
Ebola and One Health - UW Center for One Health Research
UW expert answers questions about deadly Ebola virus
How to stop the Ebola epidemic – Paul Farmer
Getting a Grip on Ebola - Robert Reich, Huffington Post
How much Ebola virus does it take to get sick? - UW's Angela Rasmussen, KING-5 News
Ebola outbreak: Experts discuss virology, epidemiology, and clinical care - New England Journal of Medicine webcast
APHA resources on Ebola - American Public Health Association
Hot Topics in Practice: Ebola and the Northwest -- Scott Lindquist, communicable disease epidemiologist