Six interdisciplinary teams involving University of Washington School of Public Health researchers were awarded tier 1 pilot grants by the Population Health Initiative on Tuesday. In this latest round of awards, 12 projects received funding across eight UW schools and colleges, as well as several community-based partners. These awards are worth approximately $400,000, which includes school, department and unit matching funds.
"The School of Public Health continues to play a prominent role in the University's population health research, as evidenced by our involvement in half of this quarter's PHI Tier 1 pilot awards. The School will continue to support our leadership in this critical area," said Jerry Cangelosi, associate dean for research.
The purpose of tier 1 grants is to support researchers in laying the foundation for a future project to generate proof-of-concept. The six projects involving SPH faculty and students are:
Housing affordability and chronic stress in the US: Does affordability modify the effect of neighborhoods on health?
Amy J. Youngbloom, Department of Epidemiology, Stephen J. Mooney, Department of Epidemiology, Anjum Hajat, Department of Epidemiology, Isaac Rhew, Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, Rebecca Walter, Runstad Department of Real Estate
Differentiated service delivery for HIV: tailoring community ART delivery for people living with HIV in refugee settlements in Uganda
Robin E. Klabbers, Departments of Global Health and Emergency Medicine, Kelli N. O’Laughlin, Departments of Emergency Medicine and Global Health, Jacob Oluma, Medical Teams International, Timothy Muwonge, Makerere University
Characterization of urinary glyphosate levels in US population by environmental and social factors Lianne Sheppard, Departments of Environmental & Occupational Health Sciences and Biostatistics, Anjum Hajat, Department of Epidemiology, Magali Blanco, Department of Environmental & Occupational Health Sciences, Amanda Gassett, Department of Environmental & Occupational Health Sciences, Edward Kasner, Department of Environmental & Occupational Health Sciences, Anne Reiderer, Department of Environmental & Occupational Health Sciences
Community-centered service design: communal approaches toward maternal health equity for Black birthing people
Leslie Coney, Department of Human Centered Design & Engineering, Julie Kientz, Department of Human Centered Design & Engineering, Monica McLemore, Department of Child, Family, and Population Health Nursing, Jazmin Williams, BLKBRY
Improving prediction of Psychiatric Outcomes in youth using high-dimensional genetic and phenotypic data
Katherine T. Foster, Departments of Psychology and Global Health, Jennifer Forsyth, Department of Psychology, Matthew P. Conomos, Department of Biostatistics, Daniel J. O. Roche, University of Maryland
Community codesign to integrate low-barrier, culturally and linguistically responsive mental health care into community-based social services
Lesley Steinman, Department of Health Systems and Population Health, Najma Mohammed, Neighborhood House
To learn more about the projects and the researchers working on them, visit the Population Health Initiative’s website.