The Department of Biostatistics has several funds available to provide travel and other support for its graduate students in their academic and research efforts. Funds include:
- Biostatistics Student Support Fund
- SERC Minority Student Fund
- Donovan J. Thompson Endowed Fund in Biostatistics
- Biostatistics Senior Student Endowment
- Bosch Student Research Fund
- Merck Graduate Fellowship in Biostatistics
- Biostatistics Faculty Fellowships
- Biostatistics Senior Master’s Student Endowment
- Axio Endowed Fellowship in Biostatistics
For information about how to apply and be considered for these programs, please contact Nick Yasinski (
Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences
The Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences has several funds available to help support both undergraduate and graduate students’ academic work and research in its degree programs. These funds include:
- Environmental Health Graduate Student Support Fund
- Environmental Health Student Support Fund
- Russell L. Castner Endowed Student Research Fund
- David Allen Kalman and Cecilie Hudson Endowment for Students
- E.S. Boatman Scholarship Fund
- Eaton Molecular Toxicology Excellence in Graduate Education Endowment
- Jack B. and Betty A. Hatlen Endowment for Students
- Charles and Cind Treser Endowment for Students
- Sheldon T. Murphy Memorial Graduate Scholarship Fund
For information about how to apply and be considered for these programs, please contact Trina Sterry (
The Department of Epidemiology provides its graduate students with travel and other support through several funds, including:
- Epidemiology Student Support Fund
- Emily White Student Support Fund
- E. Russell Alexander and Mary Jane Francis Endowment
For information about how to apply and be considered for these programs, please see
Epi Student Opportunities or contact DJ Miller (
Global Health
The Department of Global Health provides financial assistance to graduate students, professional students and medical residents at the University of Washington to help support fieldwork experiences in global health. These funds include:
- Warren George Povey Endowed Fund for Global Health Students Fellowship
- Global Opportunities Health (GO Health) Fellowship
- Thomas Francis Jr. Global Health Endowed Student Fellowship
- Stergachis Endowed Fellowship for International Exchange Fellowship
- Strengthening Care Opportunities through Partnership in Ethiopia (SCOPE) Fellowship
For information about how to apply and be considered for these programs, please see
Global Health Fellowships or contact Daren Wade (
Health Systems and Population Health
The Department of Health Systems and Population Health provides support for undergraduate and graduate students in several different degree categories.
HIHIM, MHIHIM, MPH/MS (COPHP, eMPH, In-residence) and PhD programs: One annual award per program is offered to an incoming or current student. These awards and other student activities are supported through the following funds.
- COPHP Student Assistance Fund
- Endowed Fellowship for Health Services Excellence, Equity and Distinction
- Harry and Kris Maynard Endowed Fellowship
- Health Services Fellowship Fund
- Marie and John Erbstoeszer Endowment
- Michelle and Joseph Bell Endowment for Student Support
- Paula Diehr Fellowship for Health Services Doctoral Students
- Sigolene Ortega Fund for Social Justice in Public Health
- Thomas W. and Mary Anne Harris Endowment for Health Services Students
- William and Sandra Dowling Endowment for Health Services Students
For more information about these programs, please contact Donna Porter (
MHA (In-residence and Executive) programs: Several annual scholarship awards are offered to current students. These awards are supported through the following funds.
- Austin and Annette W. Ross Endowment for Health Services Students
- Margaret T. Stanley Endowed Scholarship
- Mary Richardson Endowed Master in Health Administration Fellowship
- MHA Fellowship
- Phillip and Eda Lee Haas Endowment
- Pointer Living Trust Endowed Fellowship in Health Administration
- William and Nanette Welton Endowment for Health Services Students
- William and Sandra Dowling Endowment for Health Services Students
For more information about these programs, please visit Cost and Aid: Master of Health Administration
The department provides support to students in the Community-Oriented Public Health Practice MPH program through:
- COPHP Student Assistance Fund
For information about how to apply and be considered for this program, please contact
Food Systems, Nutrition, and Health
The Food Systems, Nutrition, and Health Program supports graduate students through several funds, including:
- The Thompson Family Foundation Student Travel Fund for Nutritional Sciences
- Dora Agee Waller Scholarship Endowment Fund
- Katherine Fausbol Jensen Endowed Fellowship
- Newton E. and Kathryn Adair Galley Scholarship
- Katsumi Higuchi Memorial Scholarship Fund
- Edith A. Moulton Scholarship
- Ruth E. Ostrander Endowed Scholarship
Applications are distributed to currently enrolled Nutritional Sciences graduate students in late winter quarter to apply for funds for the following academic year. For additional questions about these funds, please contact Mark Albonizio (
The Pathobiology Program supports its graduate students through several funds, including:
- Marian K. Cooney Fund
- Kenny Scholarship Fund
- Pathobiology Minority Education Fund
- Pathobiology First-Year Student Support Fund
- Kenny Pathobiology Endowed Fellowship
For information about how to apply and be considered for these programs, please contact Ashley Zigler (