For her capstone project, Marina Furtado (eMPH grad, 2014) set up an immunization program at a remote orphanage in the foothills of the Himalayas in northeast India. Many of the Jhamtse Gatsal school's 90 children were unimmunized.
Furtado had to travel far and wide to find vaccines, and went door-to-door in nearby towns to find a refrigerator to keep them cold. An emergency room physician, she also provided medical care – one day resuscitating an 8-year-old boy who nearly died from eating poison berries.
Right after she left, Jhamtse Gatsal experienced an outbreak of mumps, which she consulted on. Recently, Furtado represented the school at the Port Townsend Film Festival for a showing of Tashi and the Monk, a powerful documentary about the orphanage.