An Endowment Honoring A Distinguished Health Care Leader

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Led by Jeff Lehman (MHA 1974), president of Dialysis Consulting Group in Seattle, a committee of alumni from the Master of Health Administration (MHA) program is raising endowment funds in honor of health care leader and UW Health Services Emeritus Professor William “Bill” Dowling. This endowment, with the initial leadership gift from Lehman, will provide support for faculty in the MHA program.

Bill Dowling

Dowling served as chair of the Department of Health Services from 1994–2008 and is former director of the MHA Program. From 1981 to 1994, he was vice president for Planning and Development at Providence Health System. “Bill has been a mentor to me since the day I met him and was instrumental in establishing one of the premier health care management programs in the country,” Lehman says.

Although retired, Dowling continues to teach and contribute his time to the MHA program. He is a driving force in the health care industry, passionately interested in the changing world of health care and its systems. The endowment fund in his name will create a lasting legacy for future generations of students.

If you are interested in contributing to this endowment in honor of Bill Dowling, please contact Libby Singer at or 206-221-6343.