On February 10, 2010, Dr. Lucio Costa will present the School's Winter 2010 Distinguished Faculty Lecture at 3:30 PM in T-739 in Health Sciences.
After receiving a degree in Pharmacology at the University of Milan, Dr. Costa headed for Houston, Texas, choosing a post-doc offer from UT Houston rather than a lucrative one from a multinational pharmaceutical industry. He says he's never regretted the decision, as it was the start of his career in neurotoxicology. Since arriving at the UW in 1983, his work has focused on identifying the mechanisms by which chemicals cause harm to the human nervous system and finding ways to help protect people from the damage.
Dr. Costa is Professor of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences and the Director of the Neurotoxicology Research Core at the School's NIEHS Center in Ecogenetics and Environmental Health. In addition to his research, he teaches graduate courses in Neurotoxicology and Environmental and Occupational Toxicology, and he has mentored and advised countless students, from undergraduates to PhD students. Dr. Costa has been an invited speaker at over 100 national and international conferences and seminars and has authored or co-authored several hundred journal articles, book chapters, and other publications in his field.