The UW School of Public Health will soon begin work on a new strategic plan, Dean Hilary Godwin announced.
"As we prepare to mark the School’s 50th anniversary next year, it’s important that we not only celebrate the amazing things we’ve accomplished, but that we also have a blueprint for the future," Godwin said.
New challenges in public health continue to emerge, she stressed.
"As a flagship school of public health, it’s vital we have an up-to-date plan that reflects current realities in the field and that also maps to our School’s great strengths," Godwin said. "A good strategic plan sets priorities, helps us determine how to allocate resources, and reminds us of who we are and what we’re trying to achieve."
The School’s current strategic plan, launched in 2012, is set to expire in 2020. It guided the School in hiring new faculty in strategic areas such as global environmental change, the social determinants of health, and implementation science.
To move forward with a new strategic plan, the School plans to establish a Steering Committee with up to 25 members and representation from faculty, staff, students, alumni and public health practice partners. The committee will gather data, set benchmarks and establish priorities based on input from stakeholders. The School will hold town halls, convene focus groups and conduct surveys across the community.
One of the committee’s first tasks will be to hire a consulting firm to facilitate the entire process. The strategic planning process should finish by the end of the calendar year.
The School is now accepting nominations for steering committee members. Nominations, including self-nominations, are due Jan. 31. Click here to fill out the form.