Dear SPH Community:
Last spring, we began a critically important discussion about race, equity and inclusion at the School of Public Health. On May 25, we will continue that conversation at a special all-School meeting to hear recommendations about planning to improve equity, diversity and inclusion at SPH.
Thursday, May 25, 2017
2 to 3:30 pm
Health Sciences Bldg., Room T-439
External consultants Dr. Tracy Hilliard and Joel Gutierrez from ORS Impact will present the results of their fact-finding and make recommendations – based on your input and your responses to the recent SPH climate survey – to advance racial equity and inclusion via hiring, training, admissions, curriculum, communication, funding and support resources.
We invite all SPH faculty, staff and students to attend.
Joel Kaufman, Interim Dean
India J. Ornelas, Chair, SPH Diversity Committee