SUMMER SHORT COURSE OFFERING: Network Modeling for Epidemics

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Network Modeling for Epidemics

Summer short course at the University of Washington Aug 24-28, 2015

Network Modeling for Epidemics (NME) is a 5-day short course at the University of Washington that provides an introduction to stochastic network models for infectious disease transmission dynamics, with a focus on empirically based modeling of HIV transmission. It is a "hands-on" course, with the EpiModel software package ( that uses the Statnet software suite in R, providing a unified framework for modeling networks and epidemics. Epimodel has a flexible open-source platform for learning and building models. Resources include web-based tools, built-in generic models that provide basic control over networks, pathogen properties and demographics, and templates for user-programmed modules that allow EpiModel to be extended to the full range of pathogens, hosts, and disease dynamics. The course uses mornings for lectures, and afternoons for labs with students working in small groups. On the final day, students have the option of developing an EpiModel prototype for their own research projects, with input from the instructors (Martina Morris, Steven Goodreau, and Samuel Jenness). A limited number of fellowships are available for pre-doctoral students or for attendees from outside the US/Canada. Application deadlines are April 15th for fellowships, and June 1 for general applications.