UW Graduate Named Peru's New Health Minister

Friday, July 29, 2016

University of Washington School of Public Health alumna Patricia García (MPH 1998, Epidemiology), an affiliate professor in the School’s Department of Global Health and dean of the School of Public Health at Cayetano Heredia University, was named Minister of Health for Peru. She was appointed by newly elected President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski and was sworn in on July 28.

Patrica García

García is former chair of the Peruvian National Institute of Health — the first female head of the institution in its 80-year history. She has worked at the National STD/AIDS Program in Peru as the director of epidemiology, the STD/HIV Unit at Cayetano Heredia University’s School of Public Health, and as the vice dean of research also at the School. She has also served as a member of the External Advisory Board of the Department of Global Health at the University of Washington.

García has been a member of the PAHO Foundation Technical Advisory Group, board member of the Consortium of Universities in Global Health, and president of the Latin American Association Against Sexually Transmitted Diseases.

She has served as the Latin American regional director of the International Union Against Sexually Transmitted Infections and adjunct professor in the department of epidemiology at Tulane University’s School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine.

García received her doctorate and PhD in medicine at Cayetano Heredia University, and trained in internal medicine, infectious disease and public health at the University of Washington. She is actively involved in research and training on STI/HIV, global health, HPV and medical informatics.