Seven interdisciplinary teams that include School of Public Health researchers were awarded Tier 1 and Tier 2 pilot grants from the UW Population Health Initiative in Winter Quarter. These grants are intended to encourage collaborations among investigators – and with community-based partners – for projects that address critical challenges to population health.
Tier 1 grants support researchers in laying an interdisciplinary foundation for a future project to generate proof-of-concept, while Tier 2 supports researchers in developing preliminary data or the proof-of-concept needed to pursue follow-on funding to scale one’s efforts.
These pilot grants are just some of the many grants given by the Population Health Initiative over the past three years to researchers, including awards for COVID-19 projects in 2020 (three rounds: general, equity and economic impacts). To date, the Initiative has awarded 34 grants to School of Public Health researchers, most of which have been matched by $329,582 in funding from the School of Public Health (as of April 14, 2022).
Learn about the research projects