Understanding employment barriers is key to improving immigrant health in Washington MPH student Nicole Chicoine designed a research survey to understand employment barriers for Afghan immigrants in Washington.
Hiking toward health: How Alex Eisen’s practicum combines data, community and the outdoors In this Q&A, Eisen shares why it’s important to understand the tick burden in Washington state, how her practicum is addressing this issue, her experience working with WTA and WA DOH, and her advice for fellow MPH students.
As telehealth abortion medication faces threats, research remains important to understanding access, affordability MPH students and UW researchers study access, affordability of medication abortion through telehealth
Access to culturally relevant and healthy foods is critical to improving health equity in Seattle MPH students work to remove barriers to food access alongside Seattle and King County communities
Inspiring food curiosity with preschoolers for health equity MPH student Karen Krol created recipes to introduce young children to healthy local Washington foods.
SPH students explore migration and real-world public health data through Population Health Initiative fellowship Experiential learning allows SPH students to understand how neighborhoods impact public health