UW School of Public Health (SPH)
- SPH Financial Assistance by Department
- SPH Student Scholarships and Fellowships
- SPH Student Funding and Opportunities - available to current UW students
Public Health fellowships, internships, RA/TA and other funding announcements.
UW Campus Resources
- UW Student Financial Aid
The Office of Student Financial Aid awards and coordinates the major financial aid loan programs for graduate and professional students as well as need-based institutional grant programs. - Graduate Funding Information Services for UW students
GFIS works with current and admitted UW graduate students, helping them identify and locate funding opportunities for graduate school-related expenses - Graduate Opportunities and Minority Achievement Program
GO-MAP administers programs providing funding for underrepresented students whose individual experiences and/or academic interests will bring diversity to scholarly perspectives and endeavors, and to the academic community. GO-MAP funding is allocated on the basis of departmental nominations. - UW Graduate School Office of Fellowships and Awards
The Office of Fellowships and Awards provides many services for graduate students and departments, including administrative and counseling information services. - UW Libraries Graduate Funding Database
External Resources
- Alexander von Humboldt Foundation: research projects in cooperation with scholars in Germany
- Alfred P. Sloan Foundation: research and other activities, funding for fellowships
- Association of Schools and Programs of Public Health (ASPPH) Fellowships
- Council for International Exchange of Scholars (Fulbright Scholar Program)
- Council on Undergraduate Research: Registry of Undergraduate Researchers, a free database to join
- Department of Defense - Fellowships
- Doris Duke Charitable Foundation: environmental conservation, prevention of child abuse, and medical research
- Federal Grants Wire: clearinghouse for federal grant opportunities, organized by category
- Grants.gov: searchable database of grant opportunities within the U.S. federal government
- IGERT: Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship
- Rhodes Scholarship: chosen for outstanding scholarly achievements, character/commitment to others and to the common good and for potential for leadership
- Rockefeller Brothers Fund: variety of artistic and scholarly works
- Smithsonian Institution: various fellowship opportunities with the Smithsonian system
- Southern Regional Education Board: for Southern states’ students to pay in-state when studying out-of-state
- Students.gov: resources for both undergrads and grads
- UW Office of Research: assists researchers who are seeking funding opportunities
- Western Regional Graduate Program: in-state costs for regional students
- American Society for Microbiology Professional Development
- Harvard School of Public Health - Student Funding Finder
- The Hearst Foundations: education, health, culture, social service
- Howard Hughes Competitions: competitive funding opportunities, including the Early Career Scientists
- Howard Hughes Medical Investigators
- Institute of Translational Health Sciences (ITHS): TL1 Predoctoral Clinical Research training
- Indiana University Student Research Opportunities
- Life Sciences Research Foundation: post-doctoral support opportunity
- McKnight Endowment Fund for Neuroscience: for Master’s and Ph.D. degree-holders
- National Institutes of Health Grants Portal
- Public Health Student Opportunities and Fellowships
- NRSA 31 - Ruth L. Kirschstein Individual Predoctoral National Research Service Award The participating Institutes of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) provide individual predoctoral research training fellowship awards to promising doctoral candidates.
- Tylenol Scholarship: health students with demonstrated leadership in community activities
- U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Grants and Funding
- Alliances for Graduate Education and the Professoriate: for minority students in STEM fields
- American Association of University Women: fellowship and grant opportunities
- American Indian College Fund: Provides scholarships to students who will attend a tribal college.
- American Indian Endowed Scholarship: Administered via the Washington Higher Education Coordinating Board:
- American Indian Education Foundation: Great resources for students going into both undergraduate and graduate programs; providing one-time emergency funds, school supply funds, and tuition scholarships.
- American Indian Learning Resource Center: Lists specific scholarships for Native students, also many of the large listings sites shown here.
- Association on American Indian Affairs
- Catching the Dream: Specializing in Native American scholarships
- College Scholarships.org: Searchable listings of different types of scholarships, and some tips for navigating different funding mechanisms (grants, loans, scholarships)
- FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid): Not a scholarship, but many scholarship providers require that you submit one of these applications, and demonstrate Pell Grant eligibility
- FinAid.org: Tips and listings of all kinds of scholarships, including corporate sponsored and community-service
- Ford Foundation Diversity Fellowships
- McNair Scholars
- Native Forward: Lists of different scholarships for different majors, degrees, interests.
- NIH - Research Supplements to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research
- Scholarships.com: Listing searchable by major, grade, state, type of scholarship.
- Southern Regional Education Doctoral Studies Program: designed for minority students
Links updated May 2023