Here's an update on the SPH Race and Equity Work Groups that have been meeting this Spring. Notes from the previous meetings and information about upcoming meetings can be found here.
Diversity Training
This group has met twice and is working on a plan to outline SPH faculty and staff competencies on social inequities and race; much like a new curriculum competency in race recently approved for all SPH students. The group plans to meet later in June to discuss key competencies for all SPH faculty and staff, and training options; and will continue to seek input from stakeholders in the coming months. The current plan has a training implementation target date of academic year 2016-17.
Student Diversity
This group met to discuss issues related to student diversity. Given the lack of student participation at this meeting, this group will wait until next Fall to reconvene.
Staff Diversity
This group met and discussed needs for current staff, identifying benchmarks for improving staff diversity, and identifying best practices for recruitment and retention at other universities. The group will meet again Monday, June 13th, at 2:30pm in F348 to formalize structure and decide on next steps.
Faculty Diversity
This group has met twice to discuss recruitment and retention of faculty of color, including the need for more resources, cluster hiring, and creating a Center within the School that focuses on Race, Equity and Community Health. This group will continue to meet this summer with an aim of developing a proposal for SPH and UW leadership.
Center for Critical Study of Race
This group met to discuss the interest in developing a Center and will continue to work with the Faculty Diversity work group as this is aligned with their goals.
We will send additional updates as our work continues. You can also access additional resources on the SPH Diversity website.
SPH Diversity Committee