Resources for Research

This collection of resources is designed for members of the School of Public Health working in research. It includes resources for faculty, research scientists, research coordinators, research administrators, and students. Access to some resources (e.g., examples of grant applications and boilerplate language) is restricted to individuals with a UW NetID.

SPH research centers and institutes

Below are links to websites that summarize active funding opportunities for faculty and grants administrators.

Below are samples of boilerplate language that you can adapt and use in your grant applications. Also included are examples of specific grant types that have been generously shared by investigators in the UW SPH. 

*Examples requiring UW NetID for access.

Boilerplate Language


Resources in this section are divided into those for investigators and those for grants managers. Some are found in both locations.

Resources for investigators

Resources for grants managers

General resources

The UW, the SPH, and national funding agencies have numerous research-related policies and guidance. Select policies and guidance relevant to researchers in the SPH are available below. For policies and guidance not included below, please refer to the UW Office of Research, NSF, or NIH.

School of Public Health Research-Related Policies

Funding Agency Policies

Below are links to a variety of training resources. The University of Washington (UW) Training Resources are primarily for investigators. The National Council of University Research Administrators (NCURA) Training Resources are primarily for grants managers and research administrators. Additional training opportunities are available through the UW ITHS.

University of Washington (UW) Training Resources

National Council of University Research Administrators (NCURA) Training Resources


Below are links to information regarding the Financial Transformation.

Revised Jan 2024