This webpage is designed to support faculty affairs and academic human resources activities such as promotion and tenure, faculty council, reporting concerns, and faculty development. We will continue to build out resources on this webpage to support our SPH faculty. Please check back for more updates to come!
- Promotions Workshop Recording (Video)
- Promotion Consideration Worksheet for WOT/Tenure/Research tracks (Word)
- Promotion Consideration Worksheet for Teaching tracks (Word)
- Self-Assessment Template (Word)
- CV Template (Word)
- Funding History and Projection Worksheet (Excel)
- UW Memo from Provost Richards re: Teaching Track Expectations, June 1, 2022 (UW NetID access)
- UW SPH External Referee Form Sample (for reference only) (PDF)
- Additional UW information related to faculty hiring, as well as promotion and tenure can be found in the following places:
- Faculty Code Section 24-54
- Office of Academic Personnel Promotion and Tenure webpage
- School-wide Committees (pdf)
Contact information
For Faculty related questions or concerns, please email
Revised: December 2024