Practicum Information for Faculty

Practicum Faculty Advisers are UWSPH faculty members who mentor students on their practicum experience. They are expected to provide insights into potential practicum sites and projects; advise students on selecting a balanced set of practice-oriented, competency-based activities; review and approve learning contracts; and evaluate students’ overall practicum experience.

Read the Faculty Information Sheet

Submit an MPH Practicum Opportunity for Review

Practicum Faculty Adviser

Faculty Qualifications

A qualified Practicum Faculty Adviser must have a faculty appointment in UWSPH and be searchable by name or research interest. A student's Practicum Faculty Adviser and Site Supervisor cannot be the same person or in a direct reporting relationship.

Exceptions: Nutrition, Online MPH, and COPHP Practicum Faculty Advisers are predetermined. Students enrolled in one of these programs must contact their Departmental Staff Advisers for details.

Faculty Responsibilities

The Practicum Faculty Adviser must:

  1. Review and approve the practicum learning contract, advise the student on selecting a balanced set of practice-oriented, competency-based activities,  and evaluate the student’s overall practicum experience by completing an online evaluation form; and
  2. Communicate with student’s Site Supervisor at the beginning and end of the practicum experience to discuss and evaluate the practicum experience, as written in UWSPH’s affiliation agreement with practicum sites.

Online Faculty Evaluation and Practicum Credit

After a student submits required site evaluations, site products, and UWSPH written and visual assignments, the Manager of Experiential Learning will notify the student’s Practicum Faculty Adviser to complete an online evaluation.

The Practicum Faculty Adviser is encouraged to communicate directly with the student’s Site Supervisor towards the end of or immediately after the practicum experience and before completing the online evaluation. The Practicum Faculty Adviser will be asked to score each of the five MPH foundational competencies selected by the student, using a scale of 1-5 as shown below to evaluate competency attainment. Comments are optional unless the student receives a score below 3 = Adequate. Submitting the online evaluation generates a notification email to the Departmental Staff Adviser to assign C/NC credits for practicum.









