Students should follow the project timeline proposed in their Learning Contract and submit all forms and deliverables to the Practicum Dropbox as soon as they are approved throughout the practicum. All materials are due to the dropbox by the last day of instruction of the quarter in which you register for Practicum credits. Contact your Departmental Staff Adviser for all questions about registration, add codes, or credits being posted to transcripts.
Steps for Completing the Practicum Experience
* Completed learning forms and deliverables must be uploaded to the practicum Dropbox.
Steps 1-4 must be completed before the last day of the first Autumn quarter in the MPH program:
- 1. Review the practicum website that includes the practicum overview, timeline, requirements, guidelines, downloadable forms*, and link to the practicum dropbox.
- 2. Enroll in and become compliant with the Health Sciences Immunization Program (HSIP).
- 3. Attend the mandatory MPH practicum orientation in October with the following exceptions:
- Dual degree or alternative practicum students must contact the Manager of Experiential Learning for one-on-one advising before completing the MPH alternative practicum form*;
- Students enrolled in Nutrition, Online MPH, and COPHP programs will attend program-specific practicum orientations in place of the UWSPH orientation. Contact these programs for details.
- 4. Complete the practicum prerequisites form* by following the guidelines.
Steps 5-8 must be completed before the student is allowed to begin practicum work:
- 5. Identify and contact an SPH faculty to serve as Practicum Faculty Adviser, and start by searching all faculty by research interests.
- Exceptions:students enrolled in Nutrition, Online MPH, and COPHP programs have program-specific Practicum Faculty Advisers. Contact these programs for details.
- 6. Solidify a practicum opportunity and identify a Practicum Site Supervisor through individual networks, faculty connections, or consulting with the Manager of Experiential Learning.
- 7. If an active Affiliation Agreement is not already in place with the site (check Affiliated Organizations list in the Dropbox), email the name and email address of the organization contact to start the affiliating process. This can take weeks to a few months to complete. Students cannot start their practicum until the Affiliation Agreement is established.
- 8. Complete the practicum learning contract* in consultation with the Practicum Faculty Adviser and Site Supervisor to ensure the proposed field-based experience meets practicum guidelines outlined in the Practicum Handbook. The MPH Program Director for the student’s degree program provides oversight to the practicum curriculum and must approve the learning contract before students start their practicum. The student must submit the approved learning contract to the Practicum Dropbox prior to registering for practicum credits.
Steps 9-13 must be completed during the practicum and before the student receives academic credits:
- 9. Mid-point review*– student reflects and documents changes to the practicum mid-way through the experience, which must be approved by the student’s Site Supervisor. The Faculty Adviser is notified to review the midpoint review once it is submitted to the Practicum Dropbox.
- 10. Site supervisor evaluation* – Site Supervisor evaluates student’s practicum work, professional attributes, and a minimum of two products* for the site through a concluding evaluation.
All students are required to present their practicums at this year’s Practicum Symposium, unless 1) the student has presented at a previous symposium (e.g., some students present in their first or third year, although most present in their second year), 2) the student’s program has them present their practicum to the general public through a different mechanism, or 3) the student has not started their practicum.
- 11. Final written and visual assignments*– the written assignment summarizes the practicum experience, allowing the student to demonstrate knowledge of the practicum organization and elaborate on attainment of each of the five competencies outlined in the learning contract. The visual assignment prepares the student for the annual practicum symposium.
- 12. Online faculty evaluation – Practicum Faculty Adviser is notified by Manager of Experiential Learning to complete an online evaluation (based on items 9-11, including a minimum of two products for the site) to certify practicum completion.
- 13. Practicum credits – the Departmental Staff Adviser submits practicum credits after the online faculty evaluation is complete. For questions about registration, add codes, or credits being posted to transcripts, contact the Departmental Staff Adviser.