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Featured stories about SPH people, research and impact.
Read new stories on the SPH Blog
Clarita Lefthand, a Ph.D. student in the School's Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences, has been awarded the prestigious Bullitt Environmental Prize for 2008. The Prize is given annually to an outstanding graduate student at a university in the Pacific Northwest.
Deanna Kepka, MPH, an MCH student in the PhD Program in the Department of Health Services, was selected as an American Public Health Association (APHA) Maternal and Child Health Section Fellow for 2008-2009.
She is the program's first MCH section student fellow.
Clarita Lefthand, a PhD candidate in Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences at the University of Washington School of Public Health, has been selected to receive the second annual Bullitt Environmental Prize.
The prize, established in honor of Priscilla Bullitt Collins, the late chair of the Bullitt Foundation, carries a cash award of $100,000, distributed over two years. The awards ceremony will be on September 9, 2008.
Kenneth Sherr was one of five scientists honored with a Young Investigator Award at the 2008 Global AIDS Conference in Mexico City on August 7. Sherr is a Clinical Assistant Professor in our Department of Global Health. National Director for our Health Alliance International projects in Mozambique, and a doctoral student in Epidemiology.
At the School's Annual Awards Ceremony and Graduation Celebration on June 13, Dean Wahl presented the following School-wide awards:
Dean Patricia Wahl presented the second annual Service Award for Community Partners to Karen Hartfield at the School's annual MPH Practicum Reception on May 8, 2008. Hartfield, an HIV prevention planner and lecturer in health communication in the School of Public Health, coordinates the Health Department's practicum placement efforts and accepted the award on behalf of the agency.
Ward Hinds, MD has been selected by the Alumni Advisory Board of the UW School of Public Health and Community Medicine to receive the School's 2008 Distinguished Alumni Award.
Dr. Hinds received his MPH from the School's Department of Epidemiology in 1975, and he recently retired as Health Officer of the Snohomish Health District, a post he held since 1986.
Courtney Rees is a second-year student in the Health Services Research doctoral program. Recently she was named one of six 2008-09 Magnuson Scholars (one for each Health Sciences School). As an award recipient, she will receive $30,000 to support her studies and research.
The UW School of Public Health and Community Medicine (SPHCM) and the Student Public Health Association (SPHA) are seeking nominations for the 2nd Annual "Service Award for Community Partners". Nominations are welcome from SPHCM faculty, staff, students, and alumni, and are due on April 4, 2008.
On February 26, Noah Seixas, Professor of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences, gave the Winter Quarter Distinguished Faculty Lecture. His talk was titled "Occupational Exposure Assessment and the Evolution of Work Organization." If you missed it, look at the slides while listing to a podcast of the lecture. And read more about his work in the latest Spotlight on Research.
Norm Breslow, Professor of Biostatistics, has been named recipient of the 2008 Zelen Award from the Department of Biostatistics at Harvard University, the 2008 Greenberg Lecturer in the Department of Biostatistics at the University of North Carolina, and winner of the 2008 Callaert Leadership Award in Biostatistical Education and Dissemination from Universiteit Hasselt, Belgium.