MPH Common Core Instructors

PHI 511: Foundations of Public Health

Miruna ButaMiruna Buta
Associate Teaching Professor, Health Systems and Population Health
Katarina MuchaKatarina Mucha
Assistant Teaching Professor, Global Health

PHI 512: Analytic Skills for Public Health I

Brandon GuthrieBrandon Guthrie
Associate Professor, Epidemiology
nameKatie Wilson
Assistant Teaching Professor, Biostatistics

PHI 513: Analytic Skills for Public Health II

Stephanie FarquharStephanie Farquhar
Professor, Health Systems and Population Health
Arianna MeansArianna Means
Assistant Professor, Global Health

PHI 514: Determinants of Health

Kate West
Assistant Teaching Professor, Health Systems and Population Health
Kelsey JesserKelsey Jesser
Lecturer, Health Systems and Population Health

PHI 515: Implementing Public Health Interventions

Nancy PuttkammerNancy Puttkammer 
Associate Professor, Global Health
India OrnelasIndia Ornelas
Associate Professor, Health Systems and Population Health

PHI 516: Public Health Practice

Jason Daniel-Ulloa
Assistant Teaching Professor, Health Systems and Population Health and Global Health
TJ Cosgrove
Clinical Instructor, Health Systems and Population Health

See course descriptions