Q&A with MPH student Sophia Tulino on the intersection of athletics and public health her academic and career aspirations, and her passion for advancing health equity.
As e-cigarettes remain popular amongst young adults, understanding use of e-cigarettes and other substances and mental health concerns are important for interventions.
UW SPH alum Brandi Reano shares her thoughts on how to improve health equity among Indigenous communities, and advice for public health students entering the workforce.
Despite being one of the wealthiest nations in the world and spending more than other countries on health care, Americans will live an average of 7.5 years less than countries with the highest life expectancy.
Recent reports highlight a growing trend of vaccine hesitancy among parents of school-age children, with between 20% to 25% expressing worries about routine and recommended vaccines.
Graduate student Helena Darrow, recipient of the Rattlinggourd Endowed Scholarship and Fellowship Recipient, works with Native communities for her capstone project.
During the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic, hate incidents were a significant and acute issue for marginalized racial and ethnic groups. These groups experienced higher odds of various acts of discrimination compared to white individuals, from receiving poorer service at restaurants or stores to being threatened and harassed.
In this Q&A, doctoral student Shanise Owens describes her research on the impact of redlining on wealth, the connection between employment quality and obesity, her passion for EDI work, and advice for public health students.
Sugary drinks have negative impacts on children's health. Here’s how one faculty’s partnership with Native Alaska communities has been working to change that.
Faculty Weichao Yuwen and Maggie Ramirez partner with Latino community to assist caregivers of chronically ill children with mental and physical responsibilities.
Derek Jennings discusses Indigenous health equity and what he hopes to accomplish in his new role as associate dean for Indigenous affairs and engagement at SPH.
Sharon Laing, adjunct associate professor of health systems and population health, is a recipient of APHA’s 2023 Lyndon Haviland Public Health Mentoring Award.
2023 Omenn awardee Lesley Steinman supports the mental health of aging adults through 20 years of service to the UW’s Health Promotion Research Center as a research scientist and graduate student.
In 2000, the United States declared measles to be eliminated, however declining vaccination rates and the resulting increase in measles outbreaks have led to growing concern that the US may lose elimination status.
A new study has determined that Seattle's Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Tax (SBT) has had numerous positive impacts since going into effect in 2018. A team of researchers from Public Health—Seattle & King County, the University of Washington, and Seattle Children’s Hospital Research Institute recently completed a multi-faceted evaluation of the tax’s effect on public health outcomes and economic impact.
In this Q&A, COPHP graduate student Daniel Viveros shares how they hope to apply their public health practice knowledge to improve the health of the unhoused community by creating a culture of community care.
MPH students have been engaging with rural communities through their practicums. They’ve been learning about the challenges they face while collaborating on solutions to address health disparities.
Michael Tynan (Online MPH ‘22), Team Lead with Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Office on Smoking Health, Policy Planning and Coordination Unit works with states and communities on tobacco control policy issues, including smoke-free topics.
Brandon Madrigal-Corona, a merit scholarship recipient from the American Health Information Management Association, shares why he chose to major in Health Informatics.
Jennifer Kim, a merit scholarship recipient from the American Health Information Management Association, shares why she chose to major in Health Informatics.